Update:  Thank you so much everyone for entering.  The winner will be announced on Sunday.
I’m not sure where the last 4 years have gone, Michelle has been here from the beginning, but I didn’t start posting at RPAU until Feb/March 2009, before we both took it over in May 2009. However, today – 4 November 2012 – marks the 4th anniversary of Robert Pattinson Australia. We’ve had some amazing times – hosting the only screening of How To Be in Australia, nagging oops I mean assisting Kojo Pictures to do a limited release of Little Ashes, attending Rob’s red carpet for Water For Elephants and finally the holy grail – meeting Rob on 22 October 2012. We look forward to continuing to bring you all things Rob without the drama and 2013 already looks like it’s going to be A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.
So in order to celebrate our anniversary, the girls and I decided that I would give away the Breaking Dawn Pt 2 poster that Rob signed for me! He’s so sweet and giving.
All you have to do is comment on this post and one lucky random follower will win this ———–>
This competition is open to everyone not just Australians.
Competition will be open until 6.00 pm Friday 9 November 2012. Winner announced Sunday 11 November 2012.
Good luck everyone!
Note:Â The BD poster boards (poster glued onto Coreflute board) is the same size as cinema lightbox posters and were being given to lucky fans whilst waiting for Rob at the red carpet event.
Posted on November 09, 2012
Time flies!! Thankyou for all the wonderful things you’ve done for Rob’s fans over the past four years. Look forward to many more years of ‘all things Rob’ to come!
Posted on November 09, 2012
dont know how im going to live after i see the final movie, no more books no more movies
Posted on November 09, 2012
I would love to win this i have a client with a disability that could not get there to meet ROb but she would love this poster