*Giggles uncontrollably*. You all remember how I fangirled over David Ollerton’s Cosmopolis re-review at The London Film Review. Well imagine my surprise when Dave approached us and asked if we were interested in writing an article about Rob from the perspective of a non-Twihard (I think I can speak for a lot of us about how annoying it is being constantly referred to as that rather than what we in fact are – fans of Rob). Oh yeah I put my hand up alrightee and here’s my intro as a tease:
“Robert Pattinson is no stranger to polarizing audiences and critics.  His current performance as Eric Packer in Cosmopolis is doing just that – and it’s not the first time.  Let’s roll back the clock to 2008, when Rob was cast as Edward Cullen and 70,000 Twilight fans signed a petition wanting Rob removed from that role.  Surprised? It seems that he’s always trying to win over someone, be it critics, Twihards or fanboys.  This is pretty funny considering the presumption is that his fans are all Twihards- yet they didn’t initially want him.  The same can be said about those who dismissed Rob’s casting in a Cronenberg film way before Rob had even stepped into the futuristic limo.  What is it about Robert Pattinson that has naysayers screaming loudly “oh God not that sparkly vampire guy†whilst we often pigeonholed “rabid†fans, who contrary to popular opinion are not all Twihards *points to myself*, grin with delight at the confirmation of any of his film roles?”
Haha you know the drill – to read the full article head over to The London Film Review here.
Never thought I’d type those words for something I’ve written. And honestly I take my hat off to anyone who has to produce articles to tight deadlines … it’s no easy task let me tell you. Dave thanks so much for the opportunity – as you know I so appreciate it.
PS. Thanks Jules for helping me fine tune the article title and Michelle, Vertigo, Suze & Lise-Lou for the overall encouragement when I had that little meltdown. Love you girls.
Posted on September 18, 2012
*standing and applauding*. Thank you Maria for being a voice for all of us non Twihard Rob fans!!! Your article was absolutely brilliant and perfectly summed up how most of feel. How proud you must be. Oh and btw, I agree, you are a pretty cool person!!!!!!!!
Posted on September 18, 2012
*joins Vicky in standing & applauding* Your article is absolutely brilliant Maria, so well written, entertaining AND from someone who is intelligent & truly knows her stuff. Thank you Maria for writing this wonderful piece & expressing so beautifully what all of us true Rob fans feel & think. I cannot stop smiling, so thrilled for you. I know how excited you were about this piece – you have done true justice to it, as I knew you would. ‘A very cool person” ain’t that the truth!!! Thank you so very much to you too Dave for giving Maria this opportunity.
Pleasure Maria, always here for you & you are deserving of every bit of it. Love ya *mwah*
Posted on September 18, 2012
Hmmm…… so I’m still not entirely convinced that you’re not REALLY David after all! haha
Seriously, congratulations Maria ~ what a fantastic opportunity, writing for The London Film Review. Loved the article, read it with a huge smile on my face! I think you’d have made Rob proud & DC might just want give you a head-rub too, if he could!
Congrats again Maria ~ no wonder your ‘mood’ is currently deliriously happy! *high fives*
Posted on September 18, 2012
Brilliant Maria
Thank You xx
Posted on September 18, 2012
LMAO @Sue – Dave is a star giving me the opportunity to show that Rob has fans outside the saga. I will be forever grateful to him
Thanks all i really do appreciate all you have said and I hope that I spoke for most of us
Posted on September 18, 2012
Bravo!! (cue in wolf whistle and wild applause). What a brilliant article @maria. You backed everything you said cleverly, using actual quotes from Rob and his movies as an example. It’s high time people out there realized that Rob’s fans are not all Twihards and I’m sure this article will help immensely. Congratulations again Maria, you write very well. Thank you for speaking on behalf of all of us and putting across what we feel and think as pure, loyal fans of Robert Pattinson.
Posted on September 18, 2012
OMG Maria that was totally brilliant! Totally awesome. Congratulations, big high fives and hugs to you, and the rest of you girls for the support and encouragement.
Things are always easier when friend are around.
So I congratulate you all. Big hugs and kisses mwuah!
Posted on September 18, 2012
Yup, what everyone is saying here….THANK YOU (so freaking much) for writing this Maria. Speaking up for Rob supporters everywhere….It’s impossible not to grin from ear to ear or fistpump during reading!!
such a brilliant piece….not that I’m biased
I don’t want to be pigeonholed as anything other than a Rob supporter, always has been about him and always will be.
I can’t believe you mentioned me here in relation to the title….that was all you, a one word suggestion from me. LOL and never doubt I’ll be here to support you and the rest of the girls at RPAU always. Seriously, THIS is what its all about….Rob, his career and the friends I’ve made
Huge thanks to Dave at The London Film Review for giving you the opportunity & publishing it. so brilliant
Posted on September 18, 2012
This is absolutely BRILLIANT Maria and I’m so ecstatic Dave offered you this wonderful opportunity. I knew you could do this and I was hooked from start to finish (much like Robs movies).
and THANK YOU to Rob for keeping us all on our toes while taking on challenge after challenge. What a journey!
Posted on September 18, 2012
Maria, it’s such a brilliant article and such a great opportunity for you girl!!! Thank you so much for speaking on our behalf.
God knows how many times have we supported Rob’s work besides Twilight…
I’m so glad that you’ve made a clear point of those non believers, critics… threy’re called?
Posted on September 18, 2012
Well done Maria! Thank you for giving Rob fans an intelligent voice. And thank you David for paying attention to our lovely Maria
Posted on September 19, 2012
*standingovation* Thank GOD for you Maria! Your article was inspired and brilliant. Finally a chance for others to see Rob as we all see him here. So thrilled and proud for you Maria hell someone crack the bubbly will you before I start bawling. Cheers to you Maria and of course Rob and who can forget the very wise David Ollerton for inviting you to write the article. Such a breath of fresh air!
Posted on September 19, 2012
Thank you Maria for a wonderful read. You are great and Dave noticed your wit and honesty.
Posted on September 19, 2012
*Blushes* honestly thanks everyone.
I’m really gobsmacked by the response to this article. Dave tells me it’s gone everywhere and has been translated into Spanish, Portuguese and Italian so far.
I really wanted to thank The London Film Review – firstly for being honest enough to give an unbiased review of Cosmopolis and secondly for wanting to know more about Rob. If only more reviewers/cinemagoers were as open minded.
Love you Dave
Posted on September 19, 2012
Brilliant!!! If Rob ever changes his mind & decides to get a PR agent i think you would definitlely be favoured for the position
Posted on September 19, 2012
Awwww I am so glad that the response to your article Maria has been so wonderful – as it SHOULD BE! Just fantastic, I have lost count how many times I have read it & with a big grin on my face each & every time.
The London Film Review & Dave – you are awesome & thank you
Posted on September 19, 2012
Lol @Nicki that’s what one of my friends said to me last night.
Imagine ,,, at least he would know he has some amazing fans like all of you
Posted on September 19, 2012
Oh Maria…! I’m in awe! Go girl! This was brilliant – well researched and intelligent, but then who would know so much about Rob and his career other than you? You must be riding high, my dear. couldn’t think of a better person to represent us Rob fans, Twi-lovers or not.
Posted on September 20, 2012
Thanks @Trish. Rob’s comment about fixing the industry from within stuck with me from the time I heard it in 2008. I’ve always been astounded that noone has ever brought that up to show what his plans were from the start. Considering how many quotes get bandied around the fandom from print media … this one was straight from the horses mouth. No denying that he said it.
Posted on September 20, 2012
Such good news Maria!!! So proud of you girl, as well as a great thanks to Dave who’s so true to his work. I hope that your article will travel all over the globe and Rob gets to read it!!! You deserve this one I’m sure. XOXOXO
Posted on September 21, 2012
Thank you @vicky oceanpebble