Yes you read that right! I nearly fell off my chair when I saw this. I am trying not to go crazy with excitement just in case, but seriously how can we not want to do cartwheels around the room LOL.
Here is the info from The Tracking Board:
The ubiquitous “Twilight†star Robert Pattinson is doing everything he can to not be described as “‘Twilight’ star Pattinsonâ€, and if it takes attaching himself to every upcoming David Cronenberg project to do so, by God he will follow through.
Pattinson has just become attached as a supporting actor in director Cronenberg’s upcoming darkly comedic drama, MAPS TO THE STARS. The pic, to which Viggo Mortensen is already attached, details the story of two child actors ruined by Hollywood’s depravity. Pattinson is said to play Jerome, a chauffeur by day and struggling actor by night. Scribe Bruce Wagner, who was originally set to direct until Cronenberg took the reigns in 2006, penned the script.
This news comes just before the May release of the anticipated Cronenberg project starring Pattinson, “Cosmopolisâ€, based on the Don DeLillo novel of the same name. Pattinson plays Eric Packer, a young billionaire who attempts to visit his father’s barber across Manhattan but is thwarted by a series of unlikely events.
“Maps to the Stars†will also be Mortensen’s fourth project with Cronenberg, having first worked together when he took the lead in “A History of Violenceâ€.
Pattinson is currently in active development on “Unbound Captivesâ€, a period drama that will also star Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz.
OMG Rob, Cronenberg & Viggo all together. PURE HEAVEN Vertigo! I am down on my knees praying this is true. Today may turn out to be even MORE epic than we thought.  No more info is available at this stage but of course, if we hear or see anything we will let you know straight away.  OMG, just the possibility of this happening.  I want to run out & dance in the street haha.
Thanks to much to @larry411 for the tip.
Posted on April 19, 2012
I cannot even put into words how freakin excited I am at the prospect of this. The character alone is like a slap in the face to all the haters … priceless. I love the combo of Rob, limousines and Cronenberg – love love love it.
Posted on April 19, 2012
Aaaah ! I feel the same : Rob, Viggo and Cronenberg together
And I learned a new english expression for when we are happy and excited : to do cartwheels !
Posted on April 19, 2012
I hope it`s true!! It would be great Rob, Cronenberg and Viggo together in a project. Cronenberg with Rob it is like Winding Refn and Ryan or McQueen and Fassbender. Cronenberg is a nice influence in Rob`s career. This partnership would be a dream come true. Fingers crossed!!
CANNES!!! Please!!!!!
Posted on April 19, 2012
Viggo and Rob together! Best round up all the oxygen tanks we can get and sent them to Miss V’s house !
How fantastic is this,oh please please be true….
Posted on April 19, 2012
So true Maria re: a slap in the face. LOVE it. I SO want this to be true.
I cannot wait for Vertigo’s response on site
LOL Lynda, that is exactly what I wanted to do when I read the article.
Posted on April 19, 2012
I don’t think @vertigo is capable of breathing at the min – I sent her a text lol
Posted on April 19, 2012
*giggles* I can just see her face when she read your text Maria.
Posted on April 19, 2012
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrout!!!! OMFG
My two FAVES on the BIG screen together … with Cronenberg? WHAT!! This is too much EPIC for my brain to comprehend. The backflips are coming as soon as the jelly legs give me back some form of control. Haven’t done any work since Maria sent me the text alert. THANKYOOOOUUUUUUU.
ITA – looks like a great choice for Rob.
And we still have the Cosmo trailor to get through today. JESUS
Posted on April 19, 2012
Hehe, pure HEAVEN Vertigo
We knew today was going to be EPIC but THIS I did not expect. Talk about BEST freakin’ day!!!!
*nods* still have Eric to come *faints*
Posted on April 19, 2012
Oh yes ladies!!! Yes – Yes – Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am also sooooo excited about this!!! All this talent together in one film AND a comedic role for our Rob!!!! Oh Vertigo, I can feel your excitement all the way here!!!!
This day is getting better and better – I ‘ll have to mark it on my calendar as a Memorable Rob Day (MRD)!!!! LOL!
Posted on April 19, 2012
@Vertigo as soon as Michelle sent the email I just KNEW you needed to know. It’s beyond epic. Hahahaha I think it’s funny when a few months ago when we said – imagine if Rob’s holding out to tell us that he’s working with Cronenberg again … seeing as Cronenberg likes to work with certain people and how funny would it be if he works with Viggo.
So maybe putting it out there does work. All I know is that if this role doesn’t come to fruition there will be a load of disappointed Rob fans out there.
Hmm maybe people should focus on true roles like this instead of some of the other crap I’ve been seeing of late .. something that will provide recognition for ALL the right reasons and not selfish ones.
Posted on April 19, 2012
*nods* @Maria, I definitely think putting it out there works. Hmm what else can we put out there LOL. On knees praying this comes to fruition, will definitely be very very disappointed if it doesn’t.
EXACTLY Maria, hit the nail on the head there. Some people seem to have forgotten what it’s all about – Rob’s CAREER. Shame, a really big shame. He deserves a hell of a lot better.
Posted on April 19, 2012
If there was any doubt that DC means everything he says about Rob’s talent then it has now been dispelled. This is so freaken’ awesome!
Posted on April 19, 2012
Well girls most of those “fez bangers and Nuff nuff’s” don’t care about that do they, selfish interest,s only about what they think Rob should do, well dingus and dufus it’s not your career or life so F off…
Posted on April 19, 2012
Bwahahahaha @Cindy – priceless use of Aussie slang. I love all of you that care about Rob and his career … with all my heart
Posted on April 19, 2012
God, I’m ridiculously excited about this news ~ speaks volumes to DC’s working relationship with Rob and how much he must truly respect him as an actor. Fingers crossed it all pans out for him/them/us!!!!
Thanks for posting Michelle.
Posted on April 19, 2012
haha@Cindy ~ I admit I had to reread your comment 3 times, I was laughing so hard!
Posted on April 19, 2012
Hahahahahaha LOVE your comment Cindy, you are awesome you know
It’s so wonderful to be surrounded by friends here at RPAU who truly care about Rob & his career. Out there, people are nasty *glares at them*
Posted on April 19, 2012
LOL @Michelle “nasty” is being polite. Of course what do I know – I’m clearly just a fat, ugly [insert teenager, mid-30s, over 50s, miserable housewife] who thinks the sun shines out of Rob even though he can’t act to save himself.
Isn’t that the perception of Rob’s fans? Oh well I’ve been called worse … LOL
Posted on April 19, 2012
I am speechless and that really is a rarity, trust me!!!! I so want this to happen!!!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahaha, Cindy you truly are amazing!!!
Maria, if that’s the worst they can call us, yeah we’re doing fine!!!
Posted on April 19, 2012
Rob and Viggo.
I dead.
Posted on April 19, 2012
*nods* Nasty is definitely way way too kind, there are a few other choice words that I’d like to call them.
LOL yep I too have been called worse. Gee there are some vile, bitter people out there. Arseholes.
Posted on April 19, 2012
Yes girls, it’s so good that we are all on the same page here. It’s all about Rob’s career and respect for him. And although sometimes there is lighthearted talk about the naughty corner etc we are never disrespectful and that’s what I like about this little community of ours.
And the credit must go to all of you girls who are running this show. You are the best!!!!
Posted on April 19, 2012
WOW, oh please let this be true….Rob working with Cronenberg again would be beyond fantastic and this role sounds brilliant. Add in Viggo to the mix and WOW….LOL Tina I can imagine how you are feeling hon. Remember to breathe
Your comments are all brilliant re focusing on his career – that’s what is important, right? I don’t get the intrusion out there by others or anything really. So weird. Go ROB – this is just a brilliant day for him. *happy dance*
Posted on April 19, 2012
hah! just knew that man was not sitting around doing nothing – thinking, thinking, thinking – love you Rob. Thanks for post Michelle – so exciting. @ Vertigo, yes will be amazing to see Rob, Viggo and Cronenberg together
Posted on April 20, 2012
A teaming of Cronenberg…Pattinson…Mortensen? This news put a big smile on my face. Here’s hoping it comes to fruition.