I don’t get why they would release Bel Ami on the same weekend as John Carter … I really don’t. Not that I ever expected it to compete on that scale, but I know in Australia cinema owners and distributors move opening dates around depending on what else is being released that same weekend. For example, noone released a film on the same weekend as Harry Potter unless it was some small indie film that had a simlar genre and they thought they could cash in. Anyhoo I also understand from Jules, who sent me this link by the way, that there really isn’t too much promo for Bel Ami in Scotland. I guess the fact that it made Top 10 should be good – as long as it stays there for a few weeks.
And I see now that the US finally has a release date Box Office Mojo has updated their site and added Bel Ami. It’s about time you know BOM because you clearly had the figures for international but never bothered to show us. They haven’t updated with the UK opening weekend but here’s the figures for the Belgian and Portuguese limited release:
I can hear certain people claiming this is a box office failure already … but I’d rather wait and see what the results are once the film has been released in more than 3 countries (2 of which were limited) before I make a call. It’s still early days.
Posted on March 15, 2012
Thanks for the info Maria. I’m more than happy to wait for a wider release before judging but I have to say either way it will make no difference to me. Money is not the measure as i’ve said so often before. If i enjoy the movie, and I don’t doubt I will, then that’s a success!!!
Posted on March 15, 2012
ITA @Vicky. I mean let’s face it the Twi films have made truckloads and the only reason I watch them is because of Rob. Otherwise I wouldn’t even bother since I don’t think they are quality films – scriptwise especially. And that’s not Twi bashing for those who apparently are sick of my comments – it’s my own personal and honeset opinion.
Posted on March 15, 2012
ITA @Vicky. I mean let’s face it the Twi films have made truckloads and the only reason I watch them is because of Rob. Otherwise I wouldn’t even bother since I don’t think they are quality films – scriptwise especially. And that’s not Twi bashing for those who apparently are sick of my comments – it’s my own personal and honest opinion.
Give me Rob as Salvador any day over them.
Posted on March 15, 2012
Posted on March 15, 2012
Well said Vicky couldn’t agree more. Quite frankly when it hasn’t even had a full release yet I don’t think you can call it anything – well except for damn hot. Are we there yet?
Posted on March 15, 2012
While I totally agree with you Vicky, I have to admit that my heart sank a little when reading the UK figures. I’m sure it’s all down to promotion and publicity, because I KNOW this movie would have to appeal to a larger audience than the numbers suggest. I only hope it stays around long enough in cinemas for the wider public to give it a chance.
In 69 days, I’m gong to see Georges solo …… but after that, I vow to round up every female I know in Brisbane to let them experience Georges for themselves!!!
Posted on March 15, 2012
@Sue I’ve seen it bandied around that this film should have had more publicity/promo, but the thing people keep forgetting is that it takes a lot of money to have the “stars” promote films. They are paid appearance fees because they are working – they don’t just turn up because they feel like pimping the film. I’ve seen a lot of criticism thrown around about Rob not promoting this harder, but in all honesty I haven’t seen Kristin Scott-Thomas or Uma Thurman do any promotion either.
I don’t think Donellan / Ormerod have the money to pay for that full on promotion. People need to remember they are not Summit ie. budget and promotion team = over kill. I mean Jules even said that she is already seeing adverts on the side of buses for BD2. Seriously … that’s not out until November and it’s not like they need to promote it because they already have their audience who will turn up in droves.
I guess my point is – small indie film – don’t expect zillion $ box office results. We all loved How To Be and that couldn’t even obtain an Australian distributor for cinema release.
I wish they would wait for worldwide release before they start slamming Rob, but there seems to have always been a portion of the media that proves Schadenfreude is alive and well when it comes to him. I’m not one-eyed or so obsessed that I wouldn’t admit to him having a failure – all stars have failures – but it’s a little early to start crowing …
Posted on March 15, 2012
Thanks Maria. I know it’s a small indie film and appreciate the financial limitations on movies such as these. I know how many wonderful movies I miss simply because I don’t hear about them in time and /or they disappear without much of a run at the cinemas. And I’m guessing if this happens, then ACCORDING TO THE MEDIA it will be all on Rob’s shoulders ….. and I know that’s just going to drive me insane …… anyway, I have to remember to just switch off from the negative and come here to our happy place!
Posted on March 15, 2012
LOL @Sue – of course it’s all Rob’s fault. Just like the success of Twilight is ALL due to him – see it can work against them! It’s all about how you want to spin it.
This is definitely a happy place and I agree, movies disappear way too fast these days.
Posted on March 15, 2012
I’m happy to wait when it comes to the figures too and am not freaked out by what we have seen so far. It’s early days as everyone here agrees and at the end of the day, it’s about what I (one of the movie goers) feel about the film, not the amount of bums they can get on the seats which is usually partly or mostly dependent on budget as Maria mentioned above. Don’t get me wrong – I still want to see as many bums on seats as possible, everyone should enjoy the glory of Georges … but we knew this wasn’t a huge film to begin with, so the monetary success was never in the equation for me … and Rob only chose to do it because it called out to him.
With that said, I’m still kind of curious to see how it is received in other countries.
Thanks for posting.
69 days!! yaya!
Posted on March 15, 2012
Completely agree girls, money doesn’t mean quality & we all know it is never in the equation when it comes to Rob. Quality of a film is the only thing that is important. People out there are so quick to jump in & say the film’s not a success – give it a chance people. Haters love to hate.
Cannot wait to see the epicness that will be Rob as Georges. 69 days *happy dance*
Oh & my Bel Ami movie tie in arrived today Vicky. Isn’t it just beautiful
Posted on March 15, 2012
As this movie is getting such a limited release in some countries, it doesn’t seem fair to compare it to the bigger films. But I know it will be in the long run. Too many critics with ‘hook and ladder dreams’ (Neil Young) and no knowledge or motivation to report on a Rob movie with objectivity. It is sad because these little films deserve more. Many actors clearly enjoy being part of the Indie experience.
I agree with Vertigo, the success of BelAmi rests on people’s enjoyment of the movie. One thing is for sure, having Rob in the movie will put my bum on a seat or two.
Thanks for your updates Maria. I really enjoy your box office reports
Posted on March 16, 2012
I know we are a rather small country and an even smaller market in terms of film business but people always forget about Romania. :)) It opened here too and IMO it’s doing a fantastic job. In 2 weeks it gained aprox. 121,000$, it’s doing better, up until now, then Remember Me and Water for Elephants and it beat 3D type blockbusters (Ghost Rider and Journey) at number of viewers (not total nr. of viewers but by/per week). Sorry for my english but I needed to share that with you. And since I’m here, let me just tell you are my favourite Rob site but I lurk here a lot. Thank you! *back into lurkdom*
Posted on March 16, 2012
@Sabina thank you soooooo much for letting us know that. I’m really annoyed that there isn’t a true reflection of the box office worldwide for Bel Ami. Like I mentioned yesterday, Box Office Mojo didn’t even have a listing for it on their site until the US release was announced. I mean – it’s supposed to be Box Office worldwide not just US!
And your English is perfect – feel free to comment whenever you would like
Also thank you so much for your kind words re the site.
Posted on March 16, 2012
That is SO wonderful to know Sabina. Thanks so much for coming out of lurkdom to let us know
So glad you enjoy our site. Please feel free to comment anytime, we’d love to hear from you.
Posted on March 16, 2012
Wow, so good to read Sabina’s comments! ~ thanks for sharing! It’s wonderful to know Rob has amazing supporters all around the world ~ and RPAU is certainly our favourite site to visit!
Posted on March 17, 2012
Fantastic comments – thanks everyone. And thank you Sabina, that was wonderful to read.
I don’t get the timing for the UK release either to be honest and it does seem to be on very limited release in cinemas here with the type of film it is. It deserves to be seen – it’s wonderful. I think it will do well but it might be a slow burn as it’s release dates worldwide seem to be pretty varied. Good luck Georges!! 
Oh and Maria, the adverts on the buses here were for BD1 dvd release not the next movie. Which to me seems worse because if you’re a fan you already know the dvd release date and anyone else is not going to be interested. I just can’t believe how many I’m seeing – I just wish BA had that kind of budget.
Posted on March 20, 2012
lol @Jules, if BA had that kind of budget & there were bus-size pics of Georges (as opposed to heavily edited Edward as part of a couple), none of the RPAU followers would survive a drive in the city
*goes off to dream about bus-size Georges* *waves welcome hi to Sabina*