I’m loving the different angles and HD vids that are coming out. Nothing new other than this is up close Rob.
PS. Jules – let the countdown begin!
I’m loving the different angles and HD vids that are coming out. Nothing new other than this is up close Rob.
PS. Jules – let the countdown begin!
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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LOVE up close Rob 😀 Thanks Maria!
OMG Jules – 0 days *dances around the room*
These HD videos of the press conference are awesome ~ thanks Maria!
19 hours to go, Jules …… breathe, breathe ….. maybe just rest, don’t try to do anything productive for the next few hours…… and have a wicked time, you lucky girl!!!!
Love when the focus is all on Rob, it is as it should be!!!!!! Not long now Jules, woooooohoooooo :D!!!!!!!!
Nice and close, all Rob ALL the time. God love him.
This is it Jules!! Only hours away OMG.