These are clear, in sync and no annoying voiceover for Rob. Here’s Parts 1 and 2 – I’ll upload the others as soon as they are available.
These are clear, in sync and no annoying voiceover for Rob. Here’s Parts 1 and 2 – I’ll upload the others as soon as they are available.
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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Welcome to Robert Pattinson Australia your definitive source for all news, photos & exclusives concerning Rob's career since 4 November 2008. We are a fansite and not affiliated with Rob or his management.
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Posted on February 19, 2012
These are wonderful, thanks Maria! Being able to watch Rob’s expressions the entire time, without the camera flipping to the press asking the questions, is SO much more entertaining. Can’t wait for more! ( STILL cracks me up hearing him answer the hair question!)
Posted on February 20, 2012
Brilliant!! Thanks for posting Maria – will definitely be watching him over and over *le sigh*
Posted on February 20, 2012
Oh dear God! I hope everyone gets to watch these! Just watched Rob comment about Uma and her physical strength (end of Part 3) ~ his reaction afterwards was priceless. I so adore the way his mind works ~ and the lack of filter! Just brilliant, thanks again Maria.