Sweet Jesus we have waited far too long for this Ruthless Manwhoring Bastard … I’m so excited that the wait is almost over …
Sweet Jesus we have waited far too long for this Ruthless Manwhoring Bastard … I’m so excited that the wait is almost over …
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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OMG I am so so excited I am almost bouncing off the walls. Georges, the day we meet is nearly here – FINALLY *dances around the room non stop*
Thanks for the gorgeous countdown post Maria. Bring on tomorrow 😀
I am that bloody excited!! :O do no think I will be straying to far from the lappy in the next 24 hours!!
Oh and fabulous montage as well Miss Maria, especially the wedding ring Georges 🙂 Bless you dear :0
breathe ….breathe….breathe……
Good Lord, Maria, are you trying to kill us before tomorrow morning?!!!
*fans self furiously*
Yay! What a fantastic start to my holidays! Alarm all set ready for that naughty Georges 😉 That montage just makes me want to see it NOW!!
Brain still scrambled from trailer but dear God these are just stunning!!!!!!
Love your up front comments Maria and you’re right!