I had confirmation this morning from FOXAustralia that the blu-ray and DVD of Water for Elephants will be released in Australia on 19 October 2011. I’ll provide more info as soon as it comes to hand, but I thought you might want to mark it down in your diaries!
I cannot wait to own Jacob especially since Sydney agrees with him so much.
Posted on June 14, 2011
Wooohooo!!!!! That is the best news. I cannot wait to have my own copy of this movie. Thanks for letting us know Maria.
*rushes off to mark calendar*
Posted on June 14, 2011
Maria, when this pic was taken we were just there, JUST RIGHT THERE! (well somewhere in there…)
If it wasn’t for RPAU, i wld have completly missed this incredible opportunity and even if the red carpet turned out to be a little green, I would have never forgive myself for not going!
So thank you, thank you again!
Posted on June 14, 2011
LOL @Mim I know and it’s still surreal to me
Posted on June 14, 2011
Woo Hoo !! Diary marked, excitement level escalated, DVD release party planning in progress
Posted on June 14, 2011
Lordy lordy @Carolyn *fistpumps* at the idea of a DVD release party … hmmmm maybe we should all meet at Pitt Street Mall *goesofftodreamagain*
Posted on June 14, 2011
Oh happy days!! YES!! Re: DVD release party Im there! I’ll bring the beer and grey goose
Posted on June 14, 2011
Can’t wait to own this! I LOVE the fact that everyone I’ve taken along to see WFE over the last few weeks has been completely captivated by this movie (some have even seen it twice themselves!). Rob as Jacob is just so gorgeous that I’m struggling a little to let go of him and embrace Eric …… although those black & white photos certainly help me along, Maria!
Thanks for the date claimer …. 19th Oct is earmarked in the diary! Happy days!
Posted on June 14, 2011
Oooh congrats guys – how exciting!! Fantastic to have a definite date to look forward to.
*happy dance*
Posted on June 14, 2011
Yay I can ‘t wait. And its comes out 2 day after my Birthday
Posted on June 14, 2011
Wooo hooooooooo *does happy dance* Cannot put into words how excited I am that the Aus release date has been announced *marked on calendar & also in my phone* Thanks so much for letting us all know Maria. Absolutely cannot wait to own beautiful Jacob on DVD to watch anytime we want
Three days before my birthday too – talk about the best early birthday pressie ever!!
Posted on June 14, 2011
@Maria You don’t need to ask me twice to attend, I’ll be there with bells on!! WFE DVD, BD, BA, C…whatever’s going!!
Posted on June 14, 2011
Wonderful news Maria. This is such a special movie and Sydney really did agree with him. I love the the idea of a DVD release party. I still have little flash backs to that night. I can’t believe I was really there. A dream come true.
Posted on June 14, 2011
Did someone say DVD release party? I’m there!!
Posted on June 14, 2011
Ah nice birthday pressie for me!….well a day after my b’day..can’t wait.
Posted on June 14, 2011
DVD release party sounds good – have to be here in the West though for some of us. I’m already organising pre-Breaking Dawn film fest of first three of Twilight Saga – November will be a special time – my days are booked up already. Might have to squeeze in Christmas shopping in August??!! Thanks Maria.
Posted on June 14, 2011
*squeely voice*
I wonder how many copies of this movie we’ll get lol. Never too many!