Okay so I’m waiting for UrbanCine to confirm this since it hasn’t updated it’s site yet, and I’m not sure where The Hollywood Reporter obtained these figures, but it’s claiming this:
“Fifth was Fox’s Water For Elephants, which opened in eight markets including a No. 1 in Australia bow ($3.8 million from 392 sites).  Overall weekend action generated $9.1 million from 3,897 locations in 52 territories. Cume for the Depression-era drama costarring Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson totals $34 million.” (my emphasis)
I’ll update with figures as soon as I know them, but if this is correct, Â that’s what I call Australia showing Rob the love! Â I know I went and saw it again on Saturday and the cinema wasn’t completely full, but it was crowded enough with a lot of older people – actually they outnumbered the young, so clearly this movie is opening up Rob to a whole new audience.
Updated: No figures as yet, but I spoke with Fox Australia and they have confirmed that WFE opened at No. 1 this weekend!!! *popschampagne* – thanks to all Rob’s Aussie fans out there – that is amazing.
WAHOOOOO to steal @Lise-Lou’s words – here’s the Australian Box Office from UrbanCine for the weekend so it’s $3,557,526 Â in Australia to date!
Posted on May 16, 2011
Woooo hooooo this is BRILLIANT if correct. Cannot wait for the official figures so we can celebrate officially. Definitely showing Rob the love. Well done Australia, well done *grins like mad* I found the same thing at my session on Saturday Maria. Although the cinema wasn’t full (about 20+ people) the audience was more older people than younger & quite a few males too, great to see. It was an early morning session as well. Thanks so much for the updates as always Maria. LOVE hearing how well the film is doing, just love it
Posted on May 16, 2011
That’s so exciting!
Maybe it will bring him back to Aus for another premiere! *crosses fingers –
just not too soon (I don’t tho km my bank acct could handle it).
I’ve yet to see it a second time. Having trouble finding someone to go with, but I’m working on it.
Posted on May 16, 2011
@Liz I went on my own on Saturday. I often see films that way, especially Rob’s … no distractions or questions and I can totally immerse myself in the film (or Rob) lol.
Posted on May 16, 2011
If this is correct , it is just awesome!!!! I know my 3 viewings won’t be my last!! Way to go Aussies showing Rob the love woooohoooo!!!!
The cinema was 3/4 full yesterday for my screening. So good to see people supporting this movie and everyone I talk to that has seen it loved it!!!
Posted on May 16, 2011
If this is correct this is awesome news!!! I know my 3 viewings won’t be my last! Way to go Aussies, showing Rob the love!!!!
The theatre was 3/4 full for my screening yesterday. So good to see people supporting this movie and everyone I talk to that has seen it has loved it woooohoooo!!!
Posted on May 16, 2011
Oh dear I think I should just give up trying to post from work. This computer hates me. Sorry about the double up :(.
Posted on May 16, 2011
big smiles,well done Aussies.i went alone last night at 6.30 timeslot alone,(prefer it too Maria)there was about 6 ppl in there.It was good seeing it again after the initial one as there was so much i forgot that happened,yes i did read the book 4 times.at my age you do need refreshers.Im suppose to be going tomorrow tonight for tightass Tuesday,but cant make it,next week for sure!
Posted on May 16, 2011
Nope @Vicky – I think it needed to be said twice.
Fox just confirmed to me that it did indeed open at No. 1!! Now we just need to keep it there for a few weeks – that’s an awesome response to this film.
Posted on May 16, 2011
Congratulations to this beautiful film and to all of us who contributed to these great stats, he he!
@Liz, I’d go with you to see it my second time, in a heartbeat, if we lived in a remotely similar postcode!
Posted on May 16, 2011
Thanks @Val!
I’ll just have to recruit some non-Robbers to go with me!
Shouldn’t be too hard.
Such a great movie
Posted on May 16, 2011
LOL MAria. Thanks for the confirmation as well. Awesome news!!!
Posted on May 16, 2011
We have confirmation *major happy dance* This is just the BEST news. To see this beautiful film doing so well & NUMBER 1 here in Aus makes me happy beyond words. I am grinning from ear to ear. Well done Aussie Rob fans, well done
Thanks so much for the update Maria *pops champagne too*
Am going back on the weekend for screening number 4. Cannot wait! I quite often go to the cinema on my own too & especially to Rob’s films. That way I can fully immerse myself in Rob & the film *sigh* Weekend, are we there yet??
Posted on May 16, 2011
Fantastic! Yes! Eat crow and humble pie all you critics!
Posted on May 16, 2011
LOL Cindy, there are SO many humble pies being eaten & don’t we just LOVE it
Posted on May 16, 2011
I went to the 10am screening on Thursday and the cinema was about half full which is most unusual for that time, usually I have the room to myself. I am in my late 40s and I think that I was the youngest person there. People in wheelchairs and walkers were out in force. Nice to know that I helped it to open at No 1
Posted on May 16, 2011
Wahoooooo! See Rob we know how to do things right here in Oz so please come back soon
Keep spreading the love guys make sure you tell anyone who will listen and drag whoever you can along to see it. This movie totally deserves all the success it is having. Can’t wait to go again
Posted on May 16, 2011
This is wonderful news. Go W4E!!!!
I think word and mouth will keep this movie up there where it belongs. There just hasn’t been anything like it for so long.
@Maria- thanks for keeping us informed
Posted on May 16, 2011
amazing news! I went to see it in London on the weekend for the 2nd time ……. Loved it even more and can’t wait to see it again! Best news is that everyone I see it with, wants to see it again too! And yeah, heaps of slightly more mature women ( and men) in the audience here, too ……
Thanks for the update Maria!
Posted on May 16, 2011
Woaah! It took #1 easily too! That is everything i could have hoped for. I hope Rob realised how much his fans here appreciate his talent. I love that its attracting an older audience as well.
Keep going to see it guys! Show him its worth the long flight to come back!