How exciting! Â Here’s all the info from 20th Century Fox:
Robert is currently on tour in Europe promoting his new film, WATER FOR ELEPHANTS. We will have a few minutes during his stop in London to ask him questions from his fans! Please send your questions to We will select a few from fans around the world, to respond to your questions via video.  We need your questions by this Friday, at 3 PM GMT, so don’t delay!
Thanks so much to 20th Century Fox for emailing this to us. Â Put those thinking caps on everyone & PLEASE make your question WFE related!
Oh Michelle – hahaha – you are too faithful. Of course they are not going to limit their questions to WFE.
Here’s your chance everyone to ask Rob something that is yet to be asked re WFE.
Thanks WFE for emailing us!
LOL Maria, pointless saying I know *sigh* So sad that everything falls on deaf ears to them. Makes you wonder how they get through every day life when they never listen or pay attention.
make your questions ladies!!!! and don’t forget, only about WfE!!!!
BTW… isn’t he lovely? the pic is…. beautiful, fantastic!!!!!! gahhhhhhh!