As promised, here are a few fave moments from Rob’s hilarious interview on Jimmy Kimmel. I cannot say enough how much I LOVE this interview.
Haha oh I love this one. Â Maria – especially for you
As promised, here are a few fave moments from Rob’s hilarious interview on Jimmy Kimmel. I cannot say enough how much I LOVE this interview.
Haha oh I love this one. Â Maria – especially for you
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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Posted on April 23, 2011
Yay Michelle – You did the antelope and the jealous Rob. These are bloody brilliant. I have a huge smile thanks to you and of cause, Rob.
Posted on April 23, 2011
Love these Michelle. So many great moments from this interview! The last one is so unlike Rob lol I dont know why, just is to me
Posted on April 23, 2011
Fantastic Michelle Thank you xox Such a fabulous funny interview.
Posted on April 23, 2011
Hi girls *waves* I’ve missed you. I’ve just been busy see at the Cinema watching WFE. As some of you may know I saw it at midnight last night. And today I went with a few of my co-worker. And I finally have time to relax a little and catch up on what I’ve missed. And boy it was quite a bit. I now I always say this, but really girls I thank so much for all your hard work and always keeping us up to date on all the Rob news. You girls are incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Posted on April 23, 2011
That’s awesome Martha! Woot wooo, you’ve seen it and now know – am so happy for you.
Thanks so much for these gifs Michelle, they are brilliant and I love that Rob is finally letting loose on a few issues that have obviously been doing his head in.
Posted on April 23, 2011
Wooo hooooo so exciting Martha. You’ve seen Rob as Jacob *happy dance* Would be so hard to believe the day has finally arrived. 19 more days for us *jumps up & down*
My pleasure & I agree Vertigo 100% – absolutely.
Posted on April 23, 2011
Thank you girls. Well I made it without being escorted out. The first scene with him I did let out a little scream and clapped, everyone turned to see who the crazy screamer was, and I waved at them and the laughed a little, but after that I was really good. You girls would be proud of me. He looks so gorgeous, and give an incredible performance. I can’t wait for you girls to see it. I must tell you the did change quite a bit. I feel the movie was made for the viewer not the reader. So if you never read the book, you’ll love it, not that I didn’t, but some of the changes weren’t necessary.
Posted on April 23, 2011
@@Martha – I’m amazed you can contain your excitement, both at the movie and with us. I can’t wait to talk it through with you in a few weeks when we have all seen it.
Posted on April 23, 2011
@Carmel can’t wait to talk it through with you too, and the rest of you. I am anxious to know what you girls are going to think.
Posted on April 23, 2011
OMG Sare really? I have noticed Rob get increasingly frustrated with the stupidity of the screaming more and more lately and also the blatant ignorance of the self obsessed fans thinking he’s acknowledged them when all he’s doing is trying to sign the 250 odd autographs people are expecting of him. He does that with so much style and grace. I mean really – how is him being a homeless hobo worth a scream. I wanted to jump through the screen and hug him for finally finally making fun of it (ok more so than he has before). Yet what’s more sad is the fact that people just didn’t get he was being sarcastic – which lets face it – sarcasm is something Rob has down pat (believe me – he is my mentor).
Oh and Michelle thanks for doing the first one for me – that is my favourite to date! How I can’t wait for the day I can use that as my mood pic
Posted on April 23, 2011
Thanks @Martha M glad you enjoyed it – always knew they would change considering the morphed the two characters into August. And tell me – I’ve been told Christoph pretty much steals the show (apart from Rosie) – did you enjoy his performance?
Posted on April 23, 2011
So well said Maria & of course I agree 100%. I thought Rob’s reaction to their ridiculous screaming at him being a ‘homeless hobo’ was perfect & very Rob. I loved it & that’s why I made the gif cause it’s gold. These people don’t get his sarcasm nor do they ever listen to what he says. Too interested in themselves. It makes my blood boil that they don’t appreciate all he does for them. He goes above & beyond & I’m sure the majority aren’t grateful. They always want more, more more. Rob is all class – so gracious. So many could learn so much from him.
My pleasure Maria re: the gif. I look forward to you using it as your mood pic too hahaha.
Posted on April 23, 2011
So proud of you Martha and good catch giving them all a little wave. lol
Posted on April 23, 2011
Oh the first and the last ones are tooo funny! Love his snarky wit. Thanks so much for taking the time to do these for us Michelle
Posted on April 23, 2011
Oh and forgot to say Martha am soooooo happy you have got to see it already! How amazing you lucky thing! Won’t be long for us we just have to be patient
Posted on April 24, 2011
These are brilliant Michelle but the first and last onesarepure gold!!!!
Wooohooo Martha you’ve seen WFE so excited for you (and a little envious LOL)!!! Well done on restraining yourself too (you may need to give me some tips hahaha) Can’t wait to chat about it down the track.