Oh I love this interview so much. Â Rob you are so naturally funny. Â I know you don’t think so, but please believe us – you ARE. Â Haha the elephant comment still makes me LOL everytime not to mention the “Boy George with a twist, an Amish Twist” comment haha. Â I LOVE your humour Rob. Â Here’s just a few of my fave moments for us all to enjoy…
@Michelle. Rob’s walk is memorizing to me. I love your gifs. Giggles – His answers were pure gold. Those quotes you mentioned have been going around in my head since I saw the interview. He would be so much fun on a casual night out with mates. I’m dreaming. I know. I can dream. I do dream ïŠ
Thank you Michelle for posting these, they are amazing. He sure is so funny, I can’t believe he doesn’t think so. God how I would love for him to host Saturday Night Live. That would be so much fun, totally amazing. Do it Rob you would have all of us peeing in our pants with laughter, your a natural….please do it. Thanks again Michelle for your time and amazing work.
@Carmel we all dream, and that’s fine, because without dreams our lives would be so empty, depressing, and boring. So let’s dream all we want.
@Michelle love, love the fave pic of the day. That smile just brightens my life.
Truly Michelle your gifs. are incredible girl! Just brilliant ox
I’ve been looking forward to your gifs all day Michelle and they are amazeballs. Seeing Rob in motion is divine and just what a girl needs at the emd of a longass day.
I agree with you ladies, Rob’s natural humour was the first thing that caught my attention way back when and the fact that he loves to talk and talk is a huge bonus. Ah that voice.
The mood pic is killing me. I’m telling you, Maria’s watching us. lol
LOL@Carmel, agree with your re: Rob’s walk, but did you think maybe “mesmerizing”, anyway memorizing works for me too 😉
Oh, and have to share with you, just got my hands on the Vanity Fair, very, very happy girl here “squeee”
Michelle, these .gifs are amazing, much like the man in them!!!! Thanks so much.
So true Vertigo, can’t deny the man is beautiful on the outside but once I heard him talk and his kick arse sense of humour I was gone!
Boy George with an Amish twist was definately a highlight for me too Michelle. Your gifs have given me the biggest smile tonight 😀
@Lids – hides head in shame. That was my predictive text on my iPod and my lack of checking. Can I put it down to Rob’s mesmerizing strut having my momentarily muddled?
Hahaha @ Carmel, I do that all the Time, especially when Rob is in question…and it’s one hell of a strut 😉