February 7th, 2011 / 28 Comments

OMFG if this is true, and I hope it is, I’m just going to die.  I have been waiting for forever for Rob to be shot by Annie Leibovitz – am seriously going to cry.  I’ve hyperlinked some of Annie’s work with Vanity Fair – click on her name to have a look. Will keep you updated if more info comes through.


Thanks to floatinsky at our elite affies Pattinsonlife for the heads up.  Aw c’mon you knew I would pull this pic out.

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 07, 2011

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously when I read this tweet – no words. I too have hoped Rob would do a shoot with Annie Leibovitz. I LOVE her work. We studied her in photography class in collage – I have never enjoyed a class more ever! Please please be true. OMG just imagine the pics!!!! That gorgeous pic Maria is essential 😀

  • Vertigo
    Posted on February 07, 2011


  • Cindy
    Posted on February 07, 2011

    Please let it be true! She is amazing! And how many copies of that issue will we have to buy! 🙂 Thanks Maria You girls are fantastic bringing us all this up to date accurate Rob news I honestly dont know how you fit it into your busy days! Super wonder women that what you are!

  • Vertigo
    Posted on February 07, 2011

    Now that I’ve calmed down and can say something a little more mature and inteligible – this shoot will be amazeballs! Please let it be for reals.

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 07, 2011

    Please be true. Please be true. Please be true. Please be true.
    Please be true. Please be true. Please be true. Please be true.
    Please be true. Please be true. Please be true. Please be true.
    Please be true. Please be true. Please be true. Please be true.

  • lids
    Posted on February 07, 2011

    OMFG!!! I’ll die happy …
    This is amazing news, please let it be true.

  • lids
    Posted on February 07, 2011

    @Maria, my fave pic of Rob, thanks.
    I love all pics of Rob smoking, I think he just oozes pure sexyness “sigh”

  • ChiaraPiatti
    Posted on February 07, 2011

    OMG!! I can’t believe!!! This photoshoot will KILL US!!!! I Guess!! Thank you!! Chiara

  • Jules
    Posted on February 07, 2011

    *flails* I’ll join in the chanting too!! Seriously hope this is true – Annie is amazing and add Rob to the mix. GAH!! That VF shoot is another FAVE of mine (I think I say that about them all. LOL)

    *goes back to chanting in positive manner*

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 07, 2011

    Oh please, please, please let this be true!!!!! I’m stocking up on the paper bags in readiness but I think hyperventilating may be the least of my worries, *fans self*.

  • ephie
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    OMG girls this is beyond exciting!!!!! She is a legend and it should be a phenomenal photoshoot…
    @maria who is the person that tweeted this? Is he trustworthy?
    I still can’t believe it…I wish we knew which issue…it could be an issue tied up with W4E promo. I am now singing “I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it…”

  • lise-lou
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    *claps hands*
    *jumps up and down*
    *falls over*

  • Martha M
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    OMG! I love Annie’s work. I also took a photography class in college, and fell in love with her work. I’m going to pray a rosary everyday and ask that this does happen. How excting! If this is true I can’t wait to see the pictorial. Thank you Maria for this great news. What a great Monday morning.

  • mema
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    i wish if its true i love her work u can tell the photo will move and i hope it will be like his last shoot for VF its fantastic
    Maria thanks for this news i will ask God to make it true and i,m praying withe u Martha M

  • Martha M
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    Thanks @Mema. If we all come together in prayer God won’t deny it. ha ha ha.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    @ephie don’t know who he is, but time will tell. It was only a matter of time though that Leibovitz would want to photograph Rob and she does a lot of work for Vanity Fair.

  • caro
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    Ohhh GOD THIS IS GOING TO BE EPIC. I trained as a graphic designer and in my photography classes I did a project on Annie, and its was around that time she did that really controversial Miley Cyrus photo. I wonder if well see some controversy in Robs photos? Much like Details maybe? hmmm

  • Sare
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    *does a jig all over RPAustralia*
    Rob + VF = amazing.
    Rob + VF + Annie = EFFING EPIC!

    Hope this is true, though he has deleted the tweet. So either he’s crumbled under the power of Rob’s follows or is was a big, fat lie.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    Oh really @Sare – thanks for that update. I’m not sure if it’s true, but I just remember how the Weber VF shoot was leaked. He has deleted the tweet, but perhaps it’s because he said something he shouldn’t have. Time will tell. Leibovitz shooting Rob is really only a matter of time – it will happen eventually. How could she not want to photograph the most photogenic man on the planet.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    That’s what I’m thinking @caro – something along the lines of Details. I know it’s probably for WFE, but for some reason I think of Cosmopolis when I think of Leibovitz.

  • caro
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    I would rather it be more Cosmopolis-y than WFE, I just have this mental picture that Cosmo would be more dirty, gritty, more tailored suits, and WFE they might try and push the ‘outside with all the animals’ kinda thing.

  • Val
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    Maria, way to make a girl’s day! Thank you! Even if it’s not true, at least we know that there’s guaranteed to be Rob splashed about all sorts of mags by all sorts of photographers *fingers crossed* coming up to WFE… 😀

  • ephie
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    totally agree @maria it was a matter of time – he is after all the most photogenic man on the planet – no questions asked and I am sure she cannot wait to photograph him…oh please be true…

  • lids
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    Sill praying…

  • Maria
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    @sare or he was reprimanded for leaking it – you know everyone wants their 15 mins of fame due to Rob. I mean what about the idiot that came out and said he’s glad he didn’t get the Edward role because he likes the celebrity he has now. Um sorry Shiloh but I thought you were Brad and Ange’s kid having a go at the 15 mins for mentioning Rob’s name. LOL – hate to break it to you mate but I don’t know who you are and don’t care.

    This is why we rarely post the “[insert B or D list celeb] talks Rob” – seriously how transparent can these people be – not like they shed any light.

  • Sare
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    That’s what Im thinking @maria. I mean, you don’t just throw around the name Annie Leibovitz without it being true.

  • Cindy
    Posted on February 08, 2011

    @Maria I call those folks Famewhores. I read that somewhere about that guy who didnt get the Edddie role I was like who the f are you anyway?

  • a kay
    Posted on February 09, 2011

    i saw this too in twitter totally randomly… he he he… i wonder when it will be releashed

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