February 4th, 2011 / 22 Comments

Courtesy of Maria’s breathtaking Majestic Pier crops.  Rob you truly are just too beautiful for words……

Happy Friday everyone – oh the weekend is soo close – yipeeee!!

  • Martha M
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Oh Michelle you have no idea how much I needed this. I’m so tired and this day is dragging, well at least for me. I was dying here, but I was just revived. Thanks again and to Maria for her outstanding work.

  • Vicky
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Ooooh, I think I just drooled on my keyboard!!! The last one, he is beyond beautiful *stares longingly*. Thanks so much ladies.

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Just exactly what I needed too Martha M. I’m on break til 12 then have another 5 & 3/4 hours in front of me. These beautiful pics will get me right through now though 😀 Love your work Maria – can never say that enough

  • Martha M
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Actually Michelle, I have 35 minutes to go. But I swear today feels like I’ve been here for 2 years. That’s right it’s only 11:30am tomorrow there. But look at the bright side it’s Friday for you girls, it’s only Thursday here 🙁

  • Michelle
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Oh I so know that feeling Martha M. Some days at work seem like an ETERNITY. Bring on Friday for you & we’ll of course have some more gorgeous Rob to help make the time that much easier to get through 😀

  • lids
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    I love that 2nd last one, he’s gorgeous, as always. I know I repeat myself, but it is inevitable 🙂

  • Martha M
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Michelle and believe me, he sure does. And I owe it all to you girls (Isn’t that a song from dirty dancing?). And I’m so gratefule and thankful for you girls, and forever will be.

  • ephie
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Oh Michelle, yes he truly is too beautiful for words. Thanks for the perfect pick-me-up xx
    @lids I absolutely adore the second last one too.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    @lids I love the second last one too. I also love how you can still see the indent from his Clubmasters esp in the last one … sigh I seriously spend too much time looking at Rob … oh well there are worse habits I could have.

    Thanks Michelle – I ended up finishing faster than I thought 😀

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Humanity could stop right there. Man can not evolve more past this point on Majestic Pier. However that would rob us all of the delight of seeing more of this man, so we should carry on for that reason alone.

  • Maria
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    @Carmel “rob us” – no pun intended right? LOL sorry – I blame the pics

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    @ Maria – I giggled a bit when I wrote that. Maybe an idea for a game – How often can I can sneak a ‘Rob’ into unsuspecting conversations.

  • foobs
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Omg…he has the most beautiful clear skin, luscious lips,gorgeous blue eyes and long thick lashes…not to mention his sexy stubble, jawline, hair, eyebrows, ears, nose….have I left anything out??? Once again, I’m having indecent thoughts. Forgive me…..

  • Carmel
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    My copy of Cosmopolis finally arrived yesterday. I can’t wait to my teeth into it. Hurry up weekend!

  • loulou
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Santa madre de Dios!!!…..wow…no more words!!

    ROB TE AMO!!!

  • Martha M
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Hola Loulou, Que chulo nuestro Rob verdad? Me vuelve loca. Que estes bien Amiga.

  • Cindy
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    Perfect! thanks Michelle ox And @carmel my copy of cosmopolis arrived yesterday too and its fantastic! Read over half of it last night before bed! What a fabulous role it will be for Rob to play. Cannot wait for it to be translated to the big screen!

  • minette
    Posted on February 04, 2011

    oh Cindy, I finished yesterday,,, and I’m a little bit scared…. not for Rob, for David Cronenberg… i really pray that he could be very inspired, and make a interesting and clever film.. I know that Rob can handle everything he does and he wants.. but Cosmopolis is not the kind of book to make a friendly film…… Eric Packer is a hard to love character….I believe in Rob,
    really hope they organize an astonishing film!!!

    MMMhhhh Majestic…. he is gorgeous…..!!! Nº 1,2,3,4 and 5!!! hahahaah!! so nice!!

  • loulou
    Posted on February 05, 2011

    Hola Martha, querida amiga mia, que te puedo decir de Rob, mi bb es simplemente maravilloso… D I V I N O!!… estoy bien y espero que tu tambien lo estes, besos mil adorada!!

    ROB TE AMO!!!

  • loulou
    Posted on February 05, 2011

    Thanks Michelle for posting this, now I can write better, I almost died yesterday.. Oh my Rob, he’s killing me… Rob,bb.. oh bb… Rob…my Rob!!

    ROB TE AMO!!

  • Roberta
    Posted on February 05, 2011

    Thank you Michelle! Too beautiful for words you say dear!?… Just an euphemism, I’d say… You’re right dear, too damn beautiful!
    Have a lovely weekend darling!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on February 05, 2011

    what was my name again? $&*&^%^(&*&^)=- *THUD*

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