First a new Georges still and now Jacob in HQ – we always said this year was going to be “epic” where Rob was concerned, but 21 days into it I’m not sure how I am going to survive 2011. Â Imagine when we get a first glimpse of Eric.
First a new Georges still and now Jacob in HQ – we always said this year was going to be “epic” where Rob was concerned, but 21 days into it I’m not sure how I am going to survive 2011. Â Imagine when we get a first glimpse of Eric.
Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover
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these are making up for the Rob drought we had late last year…
Death by Rob, what a way to go!!!! Thanks Maria.
Talk about being spoilt this morning. First the new Georges still & now HQ Jacob *claps hands* Ditto to that Maria – only 21 days in & so much gorgeousness already *sigh*
First glimpse of Eric *collapses at the thought*
Amazing! We sure are getting spoiled. I love it!
Even female elephants can’t keep their trunks off Rob….can’t blame you Rosie!! Thanks for this gorgeous pic Maria! !!
This year is gonna be Rob’s year…can’t wait to witness his epicness on screen! 🙂
Even female elephants can’t resist Rob…go Rosie!! Thanks for this great pic Maria. So excited to see Rob in his new roles…I think I will need a lifetime supply of Tena Ladies!!
“Epic” is definitely the right choice of words for 2011. I cannot get enough of Rob and Rosie/Tai together…she is touching his face…so cute & sweet.
I think it would be his year. I hardly wait to see him in the WFE and , for me especially, in the Bel Ami. Of course her is BD. So, according to my opinion he would deserves Oscar in the 2012.
So true Maria we ahve been sooo spoilt already this year and it will just keep getting better and better *claps hands*