Empire‘s Australian offices are still on holidays until next week and our Fox contact is back in the next few days – so until we can get 100% confirmation – here’s the article that is telling us the 9 June release date. Â However, I suspect they have picked this date since if you click here you will see an article that states 9 June is the UK release date. Â Hmmm the plot thickens. Â Like we say – as soon as we have confirmation we’ll let you know, but up until a few days before Christmas Fox was telling us no release date for Australia had been confirmed.
Thanks to Cindy for sending us the scan.
Posted on January 04, 2011
I so hope the release date is a little earlier (fingers crossed) but either way I cannot wait for this movie!!! Each new pic or story just keeps the excitement going. Thanks Maria and Cindy.
Posted on January 04, 2011
Me too @Vicky – am surprised Cindy left the naughty corner to pick up the mag lol. Again thanks for scanning Cindy
Posted on January 04, 2011
And I get let out for good behavior every now and then
Posted on January 04, 2011
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you girls hopefully it’ll be sooner then that. Hopefully it’ll be in April, this way we can all be excited together and talk about it. God I hope so.
Posted on January 04, 2011
oh, i was hoping for an April release in New Zealand as well…never mind, will be well worth the wait…gives me time to put some money aside for the movie indulgence to come… i am guessing the NZ release date will coincide with that of our Aussie cousins? am waiting for updates, M and M and V!
haere ra!
Posted on January 04, 2011
Hello ladies! I miss you all while I’m away. The phone is just too slow to keep up with all your comments while I’m on holidays, but I had to let you know of my dilemma today…..embarrass my husband…..or take home Rob with me! I hope I made the right choice. We walked into a cafe and ordered out layers (chai for me) and I thought I’d flick through a magazine while I was waiting. Well, who do I see staring back at me…..GQ Rob. my heart literally started pounding and the butterflies in my tummy started fluttering. I took the mag over to the counter where hubby was and told him I’m going to ask to take the mag home. He looked at me like I was a nut. Now hubby is usually REALLY good about all the rob stuff, but he says ‘don’t you dare embarrass me.’ (they make really good coffees there, he wants to go back). ‘But I don’t have the GQ’, I argued. I told the owner I was going to steal his mag and he just laughed. I was about to offer to pay for it but hubby gave me the evil eye, So i relented and put the mag back (on the bottom of the pile so no one else would get it. I might be back tomorrow.) we left the cafe without Rob in tow, but with a delicious chai latte in hand and my husbands dignity in tact.
Posted on January 04, 2011
That was meant to be ‘ordered our lattes’. Please excuse any mistakes, I couldn’t go back to correct!!
Posted on January 04, 2011
OMG @Carlisa that is the funniest story – hmm not sure if I would have chosen the chai/husband over Rob LOL. You need to go back tomorrow with an extra large handbag which you place on the floor sideways so that when you accidentally spill all the mags onto the floor you can scoot the GQ into it after making it look like you’ve picked them all up *winks*.
Posted on January 04, 2011
LoL @Carlisa! Too funny girl. You need to take my hubby to the cafe with you cause guess who cropped the above scan for me so I could email to the girls?!
Posted on January 04, 2011
How funny. You definitely need to go back tomorrow Carlisa. That’s just too good an opportunity to pass up, LOL. And people ask why women have such big handbags, i rest my case!!
Posted on January 04, 2011
Still got my fingers tightly crossed that the release date will be earlier than June. Cannot wait for confirmation!! Thanks so much for sending us the scan Cindy. How sweet is your husband for cropping the pic – thanks to him too
Hahaha Carlissa, too funny. You definitely need to head back tomorrow & leave with GQ Rob – it is essential
Posted on January 04, 2011
@Carlisa LMAO. What a funny cute story. I would have not been able to walk out of that cafe without Rob. I just couldn’t do it, but that’s just me. But you do have to live with the hubby. He should reward you for being such a good wife. You deserve that and a lot more. What a sacrifice. @Michelle I’m keeping my fingers crossed with you. Hopefully it’ll be in April too.
Posted on January 04, 2011
@ Carlisa – Go back. NOW. Camp out if you have to. That mag is my Holy Grail. To know there is one out there not being cherished breaks my heart. That mag needs to go to a good home.
Posted on January 05, 2011
LOL you are all too funny. @Maria it sounds like you have pulled that handbag trick before! @Carmel that is hilarious ….Holy Grail! Ok now I feel it’s my duty to go back tomorrow and save GQ Rob from all those coffee cup rings from unappreciative coffee drinkers. I can’t let you down…….but I have a feeling someone might have already ripped out some pages because there was only 2 full page photos on the mag. There should be more I’m assuming.
Posted on January 05, 2011
LOL @Carlisa if you don’t go back to that cafe girl I sure will!!!
Fingers and toes crossed for an April date.
Posted on January 05, 2011
LOL Carlisa!
That release date could be right as it’s Thursday & movies are always released here on Thursdays.
Hoyts are giving BD1 a date of Nov 17th..which means we may see it before the US (18th) at this stage. So what day are movies released in the UK?