Our follower Dell tells us that she received her Empire magazine in the post today and it’s stating that WFE is being released on 9 June 2011. That’s the second mention of a June release date – Cindy also told us that Richard Wilkins mentioned June on the Today Show. Well we are still waiting for official word but at this stage it looks like we might have to wait
Posted on December 30, 2010
Thanks so much for the email Dell. It is looking like we will have to wait a bit longer
OF COURSE it will be worth the wait, Rob ALWAYS is but still wish we didn’t have to wait. On the positivie side though – we may have an actual date to countdown to – woo hooo! As Maria said, we hope to have the official word soon & then we can really shout it from the rooftops. Oh & of course begin that dancing in the street LOL!
Posted on December 30, 2010
June? JUNE!?
Posted on December 30, 2010
Oh Maria, how beautiful. Sorry you gals have to wait till June but as Michelle said it sure will be worth it. Just got home a bit ago, had to go buy both Mags People and EW. And it’s all thanks to you girls. I probably wouldn’t have known he was in them. So thank you so much.
Posted on December 30, 2010
June does seem like such a long way away but it is nearly 2011 so hopefully it will fly by. At least we will have all the promo to keep us going and we know the movie will be more than worth the wait!!!! Come on official date because i’m all warmed up and ready for that dancing, LOL!!!!
Posted on December 30, 2010
@Vicky it does seem like a long time, but before you know it June will be here. Just think how fast this year flew by, so June is just around the corner. And he’s more the worth the wait.
Posted on December 30, 2010
I know Martha M this year flew by and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind it will be worth the wait!!!
Posted on December 30, 2010
First of all let me say this picture of Rob leaning against Rosie has done me in…killed me…it is beyond beautiful, sweet,cute… Nah, there are no words for it really…
This movie will be EPIC!
As for the June release date I am a disappointed but you are right girls he is worth waiting for. But still…so many months after the US release it’s NOT FAIR!!!
Posted on December 30, 2010
He sure is Vicky, he’s worth every bit of time we have to wait. And all the waiting just builds up the excitement, and when the day comes it’ll be like fireworks. *squealing and clapping* I can’t wait!!!
Posted on December 30, 2010
Happy to be able to let you know ladies.
A long wait but I think it will be worth it & a June date could mean a DVD release for Xmas…..always thinking
Posted on December 30, 2010
Thanks again @Dell. Yeah it’s only 6 weeks later at most and it’s the Thursday before the Queen’s Birthday long weekend. There may be a reason why it’s later for us – I’m just being wishful, but maybe just maybe Rob’s thinking about coming down under. Yeah yeah don’t get excited – like I said – it’s just me being hopeful.
Posted on December 30, 2010
@Maria I can’t believe you just said that! So we might have to wait 6 weeks?! ARGGGH!!! Im an impatient person already!
Posted on December 30, 2010
Hey Maria you never know. Don’t ever stop dreaming or hoping, that’s what keeps me going. Maybe someday those hopes and dreams might just come true.
Posted on December 30, 2010
Agree @Martha M hopes & dreams are a must
Posted on December 30, 2010
They sure are Maria. Without them we would have nothing.
Posted on December 30, 2010
Good night girls, it’s 2am. May you all gave sweet Rob dream. Thank you girls for this day, it was amazing. So exciting, so beautiful.
Posted on December 30, 2010
Now there’s a thought Maria!!!! That alone could keep me going till June and then some, LOL!!! Lucky dreams cost nothing I say, otherwise I would be in big trouble!!!
Posted on December 31, 2010
I’ll wait. I know it will be worth it. But I might cry a little too on 22/04/11