December 8th, 2010 / 21 Comments

Well it’s fast approaching and I know I certainly need a pick me up.  I love these pics from EW’s portrait session during Comic-Con 2009 and I may or may not have worked my magic with some of the ones after the cut.



Ok I did work my magic with these ones



Hi Vertigo – you’re backew-hq3





If you want to check out full versions you can go to our gallery here

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    No need for the full versions. These are just right.
    BTW. I found the Eclipse mints today. That fixed my 3.30itis

  • Maria
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    @Carmel I happened to be in a Coles today and there were NO mints. What the hell is wrong with them. Unless of course they are sold out -admittedly I didn’t feel the need to draw attention to my robsession.

  • Carmel
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    @Maria – that’s only because you got a sample pack. Otherwise I bet you would have swallowed your pride and begged the Coles staff for help. I was going to tell them it was for my daughter if I was asked.
    I went to 2 Coles today and the 1st one still didn’t have them. But at the winning location, they had the standard pack in the usual places but had OUR packs on a promo stand along with the all the Twilight DVDs.

  • Sare
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    Ugh I had 11.30itis today. Rob is always a good remedy though. Always love your versions Maria.

  • Maria
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    @Carmel – my standard response is – it’s for my niece lol. And both @Vertigo and @lise-lou have witnessed that:D

  • ephie
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    Aahhh! the perfect pick-me-up on a Wed afternoon. How well you know us @maria.

    Love love love your versions you must never stop doing them.
    I have to say the first one after the cut literally took my breath away!! Too gorgeous for words.

    Yep! Reese said it perfectly: rob is “extraordinarily attractive”. We know Reese, we know…

  • Sonja Hodzic
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    Oh my God! I can only sigh..Thank You…smile is on my face now.

  • Martha M
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    Maria you always work your magic, don’t ever doubt that. You are amazing, as well as Michelle and Vertigo. We are all so, so lucky to have found you guys. Thank you for sharing this amazing talent with us,and thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. So you guys have Twilight mints over there huh? Here in California we have Sweethearts Candy and there’s a team Edward box with a picture of Edward and a team Jacob box with a pic of Jacob. The Edward candy says cool and Jacob says hot. Well I prefer cool to hot anytime, especially when if refers to Edward. So gorgeous that Edward.

  • Martha M
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    @Maria I say the same thing it’s for my niece, but then I feel a bit guilty for denying it was for me. But like you said they don’t have to know about my obsessive behavior, I hear enough from my family and friends. How sad that they don’t understand and don’t know what they are missing. Oh well more of Rob for us and too bad for them.

  • Martha M
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    OMG!!! Those eyes more beautiful then the ocean.

  • Vicky
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    Ah Maria, I do love it when you work your magic!!! Just gorgeous and just what was needed.

    Oh and I always use a niece as well (if they ask). There are enough people already who know just how bad my Robsession is, LOL.

  • Vertigo
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    hahaha Maria – yes Rob, I am back. And I am never letting go. Love that you found the other pic of our meeting. hehe

    I can testify to seeing Maria explain to the drinks waiter that the calendar spread out on our table was in fact for her niece. LOL
    Must say, my niece is pretty spoilt too with all the goods she’s supposedly receiving.

  • Maria
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    haha @Vertigo and how quick and easy did that slight white lie leave my lips (shh don’t reveal that he didn’t believe me)

  • Cindy
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    These are just great ox And Vertigo!,Vertigo! let down your hair! 🙂

  • Vertigo
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    LOL Cindy that was on the W4E set.

  • Cindy
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    I know 🙂

  • Cindy
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    Just takin a stroll down memory lane Lol! And how was HP7 by the way dear? Live up to your expectations? Worth the midnight screening?

  • Vertigo
    Posted on December 08, 2010

    You have a great memory, I had to stop and think for a minute there. lol
    HP was very GOOD, thanks for asking. They did an amazing job and it’s rather heavy, so I wouldn’t recommend it to the little ones.

  • LTavares2010
    Posted on December 09, 2010

    Thank you so much Maria, you did your magic pretty well. Rob is even more cute with your versions. I love them all and I love all his pictures during the press conference at Comicon 2009. The event happened during the shooting period of Remember Me and I think he was so happy and pleased with his new work that feels like it shines in his eyes, in his smile. Robert more handsome than ever.

  • Kafka
    Posted on December 14, 2010

    Re Eclipse mints. I was shopping with my sons this morning and my youngset pointed out the ‘Edward’mints so of course I had to buy them. I had to laugh when my oldest said he would only have one if it wasn’t shaped like Edward’s head as he didn’t want to be sucking on Edward’s face. I wish!

  • Maria
    Posted on December 14, 2010

    OMG @Kafka I laughed out loud when I read this – which is slightly embarassing since I’m at work and was asked what was so funny – oh just the things children say LOL.

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