Thought it was time to give these beauties some air and being Saturday night, I may of strayed from the title … Â just a little. Â Happy weekend all!
Inspired by Rob and the black jumper which hails from the land of the thud.
Alright, so Rob might not be wearing black in these Rome shots but it’s night time and the sky is black, which clearly means I’m not cheating.
One of my favourite shots in the whole wide world, it has a mind of it’s own and I wasn’t about to hold back based on a technicality.
Ok Rob, how did you sneak this one in? You know how it drives me insane. Guh!
I understand the pants are actually a dark grey, it’s the late night post. Does it really matter? Â
Please don’t question me because I can’t make up excuses anymore. Â It’s VF.
Sweet Dreams if you can!
Posted on October 30, 2010
Land of THUD is for sure Vertigo. *sigh* this post is absolutely breathtaking. Thank you so so much Vertigo for spoiling us tonight. I love the pic you ended with – it’s so adorable
Posted on October 30, 2010
I just hope you have lined the walls of the naughty corner with these, cause that is where I have to take myself before the edit button gets hit!! You are aa wicked women Miss Vertigo but me luvs ya hon!! ox
Posted on October 30, 2010
hehe Cindy – walls lined with these pieces of heaven. I’d never go out ever again.
Posted on October 30, 2010
LOL Vertigo – I knew you would bring these out when I wasn’t around! Plus he is wearing his black beanie in the Harry’s Bar pic – which is also from the land of thud and that’s as good excuse as any to include. And let’s face it grey, white – they are just shades of black – the black that is inevitable when you hit the floor and pass out after viewing these pics – so that’s good enough for me.
Posted on October 30, 2010
LOL Maria!
Posted on October 30, 2010
So funny…. wonderful eye candy for waking up to!
Posted on October 31, 2010
I knew coming here this morning was the right thing to do!! *thud*
Posted on October 31, 2010
Oh my…..*eyes bulge*
Posted on October 31, 2010
brain hemorrage here. i need a doctor asap.
Posted on October 31, 2010
Vertigo, um, ah, wha. Speechless, no words to describe what an amazing job you did. Wow perfect, beautiful, awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for this perfection!
Posted on October 31, 2010
What a gorgeous surprise to come home to!!! Thanks Vertigo, these are just breathtaking.
Posted on November 03, 2010
Oh Dear GOD !!!