Thought this morning I would share with you all one of my most fave Rob interviews from 2008.  For those who like me have watched this too too many times to count, you will of course know it’s from the Starz Hollywood Awards After Party which took place after Rob won his ‘New Hollywood’ Award at the 12th Annual Hollywood Film Festival Awards Gala (obviously very smart people)  I LOVE this interview SO much. Rob is just too adorable for words here – all his smiles & laughter. I remember when I watched it for the first time back in October 08 I had a smile from ear to ear & my reaction is still the same to this day. So hard to believe this was nearly 2 years ago, seriously only seems like yesterday.  Enjoy everyone & have a great Sunday!
Oh & I just had to include a couple of pics from the night. The gorgeous & amazing month of October 2008 *sigh* so many wonderful memories.
Posted on October 17, 2010
I had not seen this before! Thank you so much Michelle. Brought a huge smile to my face too.
Posted on October 17, 2010
I haven’t seen that clip before Michelle. He is so adorable and apartment, no where to live! Your heart goes out to young Rob. He’s matured so much in 2 years, it’s quite difficult to comprehend all the things that have happened in the past 2 years. And to think that the interviewer thought that Twilight was a scary vampire movie, scarier than Harry Potter….Too cute!!
Posted on October 17, 2010
Oh my God Michelle I hadn’t seen this either. He just astonishes me every time with that accent, those eyes of his. He’s just so beautiful, he never seems to stop amazing me. Thank you Michelle for all this, and you never seem to stop amazing me either. I know I’m knew to the comments, but I have been on the website for a little while now. And you always out do yourself. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Posted on October 17, 2010
Thank you so much for the lovely comments Martha M, they are so very very appreciated. It is my absolute pleasure
Posted on October 17, 2010
You are so welcome! I just feel like the luckiest gal to have found this website and all of you. I don’t feel so alone now, knowing there’s all of you who think like I do. I don’t feel insane anymore. Because believe me for a while there I was beginning to think I was turning into Dali ha ha ha.
Posted on October 17, 2010
Michelle – you had to pull out October 2008 – *Thud*.
That is all. LOL
Posted on October 17, 2010
Just keep talkin’ lovely, lovely man.
Posted on October 17, 2010
Was that interviewer crackin’ onto Rob or what??? Rob’s so cute and kinda awkward in this one…..adorable!!
Posted on October 17, 2010
I haven’t seen this before either.
OMG how gorgeous is he, he never seizes to amaze me: the laugh, the smiles, the accent, hand through the hair… aghhhhh can’t take it any more.
I think I’ll make myself comfortable in my naughty corner with a nice stiff drink
Posted on October 17, 2010
First time i’ve seen this one. he is absolutely adorable. Thanks so much Michelle!!
Posted on October 18, 2010
I love that clip. One of my favs!