As you can all see, my Golden Years choice for Remember Me is one that features Tyler & Caroline. This scene is so sweet & I especially love Tyler’s ‘abso-freakin-lutely’ response to Caroline followed by her big smile. They have such a close relationship & this scene is one of many that illustrates just how strong a bond they share. To say I adore these two together doesn’t even come close. Their scenes in the film were some of my most faves. From the moment we saw Rob & Ruby together on set I just knew their scenes would be something so very special & that they were & more. As I have said many times before, there are no words to describe how much I LOVE & ADORE Rob’s breathtakingly brilliant performance as Tyler. Tyler not only made a huge impact on those he was close to in his life, but he also made a huge impact on us the viewer & all that is thanks to Rob’s superb portrayal of this character. We fall in love with him throughout the film & feel his loss so deeply at film’s end. My praise for Rob & this film really could go on forever but I will leave it there – for now! Enjoy this scene everyone & the couple of gifs above. I couldn’t resist including them.
Posted on September 14, 2010
Oh goodness! you have done it to me again,sitting watching with a huge smile and tears!. Just like you Michelle I loved Ruby and Rob together and i do hope they get a chance to co-star again. Thank you
Posted on September 14, 2010
I love his facial expressions. Can’t get enough of tyler, and its only tuesday! Yay. Thanks shell.
Oh and i love the tyler gif on the sidebar. That little giggle always gets a snort out of me!
Posted on September 14, 2010
Ah Michelle, just love this post, i couldn’t have said it better, just adore Tyler & Caroline together – the chemistry is SO strong. Tyler is definately my fave.
Posted on September 14, 2010
absofreakinglutely can’t forget Tyler…
as you say, Rob’s performance make me love Tyler and feel him like a real boy. like a person with his own life, that I will miss for ages after lose him that way,,,Thanks Rob for such a lovely and brilliant performance….and to you Michelle for bring him to us…
Posted on September 14, 2010
Well said Michelle!
Love the gifs and your choice is one of my faves too. I get the warm and fuzzies everytime I see these two together. So natural.
Posted on September 14, 2010
I just adore this scene. I can’t help but smile when i see Rob and Ruby together. You’re right Michelle you do fall in love with Tyler throughout the movie and that’s thanks to a brilliant performance from Rob. Just love him!!! Thanks Michelle
Posted on September 14, 2010
This would maybe have to be one of my favourite Rob moments from all his characters.
No. Not maybe. Abso-freakin-lutely!
Posted on September 15, 2010
I have no words to describe how
much I love the
“Golden Years Series”…
Especially when it comes to RM!
oh, Tybert! *sigh*
Posted on September 15, 2010
I want Ruby to be in every single movie Rob does. She makes him so relaxed, and the scenes are so believable.
Posted on September 19, 2010
It’s like you read all of our minds Michelle, so well said. Rob and Ruby are just magic on screen together. Loved hearing him talk about their work together in his interviews. They are just lovely together