The gorgeous pics from Rob’s appearance at Planet Hollywood in November 2008 would have to be some of my ultimate faves, have been ever since I saw them & still are today. Â Here are a selection of some that I love the most. Â Beanie Rob – how I adore him. Â Have a great Saturday everyone! Â Thanks to our elite affie Robert Pattinson Source for the tagged pics.
The beanie and the tie…very cute combo!! 🙂
I was at Planet Hollywood Times Square, Nyc in December last year! I took a photo of Rob’s handprints and of the clothes Rob wore in Twilight!! You can imagine my excitement!! 🙂
Great pics..thanks Michelle. 🙂
Ah Michelle, these are some of my faves – I could stare at them all day …
beautiful no worlds
Just beauttful I want a beanie just like Robs! Lol!!
aw these are so lovely Michelle, can’t even pic a fave they are all so gorgeous 🙂
Hello Beanie Rob! Was just thinking I need to make me a beanie vid Michelle – is that your hint? Oh and helllooooooo smoking Toby!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Beanie Rob video – yes please Maria 😀
God, how I love his eyes in that first pic!
… and that tie and beanie THUD!
Yes please to beanie vid 🙂 and love the smoking toby pic too.oxox
@Cindy it’s on the list! I’ve got another two I’ve been working on in the meantime. One of them may appear in the next few weeks …
YES! beanie Rob, praying smile & lip bite wow… can not wait for the beanie vid oh & just adore Toby pic smokin’ HOT..
Gorgeous, as always. Just love the tie and beanie!!! A beanie Rob vid sounds perfect Maria, can’t wait!!
Boy, he looks so good as Beany Rob…he´s given Beanies a good name I may say…he looks awesome and super handsome when he wears them…and then, when not????
Thanks Maria.