Here’s 6 little vids of Rob talking to 20 Minuten Online. Rob’s gorgeous of course and I love them all, but I think I’m leaning to the second one as a fave. Thanks to the wonderful Kate at our friends and elite affie ROBsessed for the tip.
Rob Talks About Pierce Brosnan
Tyler compared to a chocolate fondant. What you expect is different to what you actually get.
Rob talks about what he liked about the script of Remember Me and the role of Tyler after playing vampire Edward in Twilight
 Rob is being asked whether playing in Harry Potter was a good “acting school” for a future Hollywood star (Note to Rob – stop being so modest you DO know how to act)
Does Rob know what the fascination of Twilight is? (Note to Rob: The books have nothing to do with it – again stop being so modest)
Rob asked “At the Baftas there were more people screaming for you (Rob) than Prince William” (I can’t believe you would even consider this as a question – Prince Who?)
Posted on March 26, 2010
I loved them all. Why does Rob say he can’t act, RM was just wonderful example of his talent.
Posted on March 26, 2010
Love these gorgeous little vids, Rob is so so sweet. The second one’s gotta be my fave too Maria. Rob you really do need to stop being so modest. You DO know how to act & you ARE brilliant – that is the truth. Anyone who does not appreciate your wonderful talent is an idiot. Thanks for these Maria.
Posted on March 26, 2010
Rob doesn’t quiet get himself – his talent and his appeal. Everyone else can.
That is exactly how he described Tyler. LOL .No wonder the script spoke to him.
Oh, I also have a sudden hankering for chocolate fondant.
Posted on March 26, 2010
hmmmm…Rob and chocolate fondant – deadly combination.
I have to find that naughty chair again “looking, looking” ahhh here it is…
Posted on March 26, 2010
I’m gonna enjoy me some Choc fondont tomorrow.
Well if Rob doesn’t call it acting, it’s certainly an artform because he is AMAZING.
Posted on March 27, 2010
So adorable, so talented, so humble what else can I say but Rob your performances have brought me tears of joy and sadness at different times *whispers* I am pretty sure that is acting and some damn good acting at that