Here’s 2 videos of Rob and Chris during their New Moon promo tour of Tokyo. Yes Rob Japan has always been very supportive of the Twilight movies – hmmm kind of supports my previous comments the other day about perhaps why we haven’t seen Rob here in Oz, but really $16 million on opening weekend from a population of 22 million kind of sounds supportive to me – why oh why won’t you let him come here. Sorry off on a tangent back to the vids. I’ve seen some of this footage before, especially the second one, but thought I would post anyway.
Part 1
Part 2
Oh Rob, just come to Australia, it will change everything.
He is sooo sweet. I love how Chris just pays out on him and the crowd doesn’t get it.
I want him to visit here too 🙁 he keeps going to Japan, Tokyo etc etc, so close but SO FAR! Argh…I wish they would let him. OZ LOVES YOU ROB! Please oh please fans of Rob here, support all his movies and we will finally get him here!