Rob is so adorable – stating obvious I know. No real spoilers in this one (thanks for that Jake). There is some footage from the film but only what we have seen in the trailer. Yep that’s right Maria – 9 days to go everyone, into the single figures woooo hooo!
Jake pls don’t give up your day job to go into comedy and you pale in comparison next to the master of sarcasm. It wasn’t a bad interview, but why put snippets of the film all the way through – not like we hadn’t seen it before.
lol rob asking where he got his suit from.
I love his giggles – priceless.
Yeah the suit was so cute!
Agree Maria, I got really excited when I saw the length of this interview but would have rather had more interview and less trailer.
sorry I meant the suit bit was so cute…
I agree, less trailor please and so cute that Rob infact did get to ask Jake a personal question. lol