I won’t spoil it by doing a review of his answers to the questions below but I really enjoyed this one. This is apparently Part 1. Part 2 will follow next week.
Qs rough translation:
0:03– What is your favorite scene in New Moon?
0:27– How about the scenes you appear in?
0:49– What if you are in a forbidden love?
1:02– So you are not logical but emotional?
1:15– What do you think of Jacob?
1:42– What is your weakness?
2:09– Are you scared of going to a doctor?
2:51– What is the difference before and after Twilight? for example, you made lots of new friends…?
This is such a great interview, I loved it so so much. Rob definitely does look relaxed in this one for sure which is great. Rob is just so humble & grounded, one of the things I love about him the most. He is just not effected by all his fame one little bit. Such a wonderful person, truly so very very special. Am stating the obvious I know.
I can definitely relate to being afraid of the dark, I have been scared of it since I was a kid too & still do not like it at all now. Also can relate to the doctor & dentist thing, I always drive whoever I make come with me mad whenever I go lol. I avoid them at all costs unless I absolutely have to go. Bet those idiots who didn’t want to audition with Rob are now kicking themselves for being so stupid. All that talent right in front of them & they were too stupid to open their eyes & see it. How can some people be so blind. Definitely their loss not Rob’s that is for sure. Thank so much once again odameCA for bringing us all the wonderful interviews from Japan, always enjoy the ones from there so much. Thanks Maria too for posting. Cannot wait to see part 2.
This was lovely he really does seem to wonder how he got to where he is when we all know it’s becuase of your amzaing talent and that determination of yours!
And I am with you Rob “you go to the dentist and they want to amputate your leg”! LOL He is just too cute 🙂
How adorable, love seeing relaxed Rob.
hahaha the dentist story!