Okay if you saw my earlier tweet then you would know that The Ritz Cinema, Randwick will be screening Little Ashes on Wednesday 9 December 2009 at 7pm. This is great news as we have been trying to get a limited cinema release of this film since last year. If the Ritz has plenty of interest then they will certainly consider doing further screenings. I’m just waiting for them to give me precise details of ticket purchasing etc and so will do a further post soon.
This is my favourite performance of Rob to date – please let’s make this a success. We really began to think we would never see this film on the big screen in Australia. Thanks Kojo Pictures and Randwick Ritz for giving us this chance to see Rob truly shine. And I’m sure you will be glad to be rid of me *eventually* LOL.
Posted on November 27, 2009
Do you know if you have any contacts in Melbourne that could lobby for a similar thing here or if it is planned.
I’m sure one of the smaller independent companies could make a good deal of money from showing it.
Posted on November 27, 2009
@Rebecca – am already onto it re Melbourne. Kojo is in contact with a few of the smaller theatres and so will let you know if any sign on