We were waiting for these to surface because we know how much we all love HQ Rob. Thanks to ljmd and twilightxchange you are awesome.
C’mon Vertigo, it’s not like you to be shy. I’m happy for you to be in this pic with me
Does he remind anyone else of Ceddie in this pic?
So so good to see these pics in HQ, we sure were waiting for them Maria. Nothing can beat Rob in glorious HQ.
I agree about the Ceddie reminder in that pic Maria for sure. Really love that one. LOL, too funny about ‘Vertigo’s pic’ Your comment Vertigo made me laugh so much haha.
LOL Maria! I put my foot down when Rob suggested I wear those shoes he brought back for me from Japan.
hehe Michelle, oh if only it were true.
Good pick up on the Ceddie look.
What a great way to kick off this Monday morning! It’s going to be an awesome week, I can feel it in my waters. 🙂
LMAO!!!!!!! Vertigo you crack me up, but I agree, I would draw the line on those shoes too.
I too feel it will be a great week – he’s off to Paris so any chance to hear him speak French has to be a bonus week. Rob can you please say “Guy de Maupassant” at every opportunity – please.
@Vertigo, hahahahaha, those shoes. That made me laugh so much. Oh yes, have to draw the line at those lol. If only it were true indeed.
Gonna be an awesome week for sure girls. Rob speaking in French 😀 Just love the way Rob said ‘Guy de Maupassant’. Am just about to listen again actually. Making the most of the quiet time until the next batch of lovely Rob interviews/pics come. Cannot wait 😀
too much funny Maria! hahaha!
Now ya’ll have me thinking Rob speaking French, I’ve gone completely blank!
I”M BACK!!!! Damn RL
Wow what an awful time to be ‘without computer’. Michelle and Maria thank you so much for all your tireless work. I seriously dont know what i would do without you!
And rob……dont know what to say! Love seeing him and hearing his voice. He’s such a funny dude! Makes me laugh, and those press conference pictures……OMG!
Oh and we’re into single digits!!!!
Yay, so glad to see you are back Sare 😀 I know, I really really hate RL when it gets in the way of my Rob time. It is our pleasure really it is. We love being able to share all the Rob loveliness with you all 😀 He really is so very very special, stating obvous I know. Single didgits, wooo hoooo!!
The man is so completely gorgeous, even his teeth are gorgeous!
LOL, love the gravatar Vertigo. Excellent choice 😀 hehe
LOL Vertigo love your new grav. Am laughing out loud and people are looking at me funny.
Well I have to show off the Rob and me pic from the time we spent together.
LOL Maria and Vertigo
@Maria I always love your talking posts they always crack me up!
These are just to die for *click click*
These shot remind me so much of Red Rob. And that is such a good thing. I could study Rob’s face all day.