Well I must have been channelling the right people yesterday after seeing Cedric because here are some photos that have surfaced of Rob from a Harry Potter photoshoot.  Lordy has he perfected these looks now.  Thanks to our affiliate Robert Pattinson Source – Balina you are awesome!
Posted on July 06, 2009
omg thankyou for these
made my day
Posted on July 06, 2009
Thank you so so much for these Maria. Such sweet photos, we certainly are being so very spoilt. They have just made my day too Alex.
Posted on July 06, 2009
oh love these photos. He looks so sweet and innocent!
Posted on July 06, 2009
again so young looking! oh but he is working those now well known rob looks isnt he. if he only knew back then the effect that he would have a few years later. lol.
Posted on July 06, 2009
Well done on the chanelling Maria.
ah so young…
Posted on July 07, 2009
Fabulous pictures.
See? Before Twilight I had only seen him like this, so young… imagine my shock when I saw him next and he was grown into the splendid man we all know…
He’s always been gorgeous, anyway, even as a boy.
Posted on July 08, 2009
Now I feel really wrong ogling at a teenager! He was about 18 or 19 in this photo shoot wasn’t he?… he looks so young here.