Rob sure looks happy to be meeting Kenneth Cole (actually does anyone else think that’s ironic?)  Maybe Rob himself given the look on his face in the second photo – he looks like he’s thinking “I hope Kenneth has a range of hoodies” (don’t worry Rob I’ve had a look on his website and there are a couple there – black too). And as great as Rob looks in his tux, I think the gruelling schedule of the last 2 days has finally taken its toll on him. Or is he just practising his menacing Eddie look for when he meets the Volturi in a few days time? Hmmm, still adorable though. Thanks to pattinsonlife and lionandlamblove.
Posted on May 23, 2009
He seems dead tired, indeed, the poor thing… must have been running around ceaselessly the whole time… I can see shadows under his eyes, now… very vampire-like alright…
No. 6 does seem very much like an “Aro… beware!” kind of look! Hahaha!
As you said, and quoting Jessica in Twilight: still “totally gorgeous, of course”!