April 30th, 2009 / 6 Comments


Rob talked to Scott Huver from Fandango about how he deals with fame, shooting New Moon, and many other interesting topics (including writing music – my favourite topic of all!!). In fact, this is the best interview I’ve read in a long while.

Here are some bits from the interview:

Fandango: What was it like attending the Academy Awards for the first time?
Pattinson: I got there and then I’m sitting in the second row. It was unbelievable. I keep thinking that something terrible is going to happen. “Death” is the only thing I’m thinking the whole time. I just used up all my luck so I’m probably going to die at 23 or something.

Fandango: Did you discover that any of the hugely famous stars that were there were actually fans of Twilight, or their kids love the movie?
Pattinson: Robin Wright Penn came up to me. I thought that was kind of amazing after her husband had just won Best Actor. That was very, very surreal.

Fandango: You contributed a couple of songs to the Twilight soundtrack. Are you still pursuing music, and will you be doing more for New Moon?
Pattinson: I’m in talks to do a soundtrack for another movie, composing. I cannot say what it is yet, but I really, really, really want to do. I don’t think I’m going to have anything on New Moon, but never say never.

To read the entire article, please click here.

April 30th, 2009 / 1 Comment

This great little video has been released via Itunes for one of my favourite songs featured on the ‘How To Be’ soundtrack ‘Chokin’ On The Dust’ Not only does this video feature a snippet from the movie where Art sings at the Day Care Centre, but it also features other clips from the film & also from behind the scenes.

I was so very excited to see that the video is also available for us to buy via our Itunes in Australia. Needless to say I have purchased (of course lol) If you would also like to purchase this video & have Itunes, all you need to do is search ‘How To Be’ in the search panel & it will lead you to the video. The ‘How To Be ‘ soundtrack is available to buy there also.

Watching this video makes me want to see the film again (even more than I already did) The DVD release in May cannot come quick enough for me.

Thank you so much to our affiliate ROBsessed for the link to the video.

I think today is looking like it might be ‘Little Ashes & How To Be Thursday’ That would have to be the best kind of Thursday ever!

April 30th, 2009 / 1 Comment

Thanks to Network Releasing (I’m assuming that they’re the UK distributor for HOW TO BE), here’s another clip from the movie. It’s the scene where Art’s girlfriend, Jessica, broke up with him. I cracked up when Rob said, “No, YOU’RE not ready for this kind of commitment.” LOL.

April 30th, 2009 / 2 Comments


Oliver talks to People.com about Rob in HOW TO BE. Here is an excerpt from the article:

Among the challenges for Pattinson in How To Be, which filmed prior to Twilight, were playing the guitar, harmonica, and, for the director, muting his good looks.

“I said, ‘You’re banned from cutting your hair between now and the shoot,'” says Irving. “We had to give him the most awkward haircut we possibly could, and we cut his trouser length a little bit too high. Things like that played down his apparent good looks.” Honing his musical skills, however, came naturally to the actor. “He downplayed how good he was,” says Irving. While playing the guitar and harmonica, Irving says, “A lot of the time he would turn out to have a really good technique and we told him he needed to play it more simply.”

To read the full article, please click here.

April 30th, 2009 / 0 comments

More from Little Ashes! This time it’s a 2 minutes clip of my favourite part of the soundtrack, thanks to our affiliate, ROBSESSED. The song is called ‘Cadaques Bay’. This makes me want to go to Spain (not just watch the movie). I can’t wait till September!

April 30th, 2009 / 1 Comment


Here’s some further confirmation of Robert’s role in Memoirs/Remember Me (I might have to draft a memoir in order to remember the name of this film by the time 2011 comes around).  According to acting411.blogspot.com  the call is out for principal actors and production companies – extras are still TBA.  I hear the leading lady role may still be up for grabs (unless you want to believe the rumour that Amanda Abbafried is a shoe in – and we know how great their chemistry was at the Oscars).  So if you haven’t had your headshots done – you better get a move on.  Thanks to our affiliate ROBsessed and in case you are serious about auditioning – click here, but you may have some stiff competition (hint hint).

*Late Breaking News* – okay while I was searching acting411.blogspot I found that it’s also set up for casting for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn (although dates are TBA).  Although no confirmation has been received from Summit about Breaking Dawn (except for the fact that they have acquired the rights) it suggests that the film is likely to be split into two – Twilight Saga:  Breaking Dawn I and Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn II (like we haven’t heard that before) and will start shooting in late spring / early summer 2010.  Might explain why Rob is booked out for the next year – but I’m only speculating.  If you want to see for yourself click here.  And although leading lady roles for these 3 films have been cast – you can always be an extra!

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Rob’s Contact Details
UK Agents - Curtis Brown Group

Haymarket House, 28 - 29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP, UK

US Agents - William Morris Endeavor (WME Entertainment)

9601 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA

Rob’s Films
Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

The Batman Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
Director: Matt Reeves
Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

Tenet Role: Neil
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
Director: Robert Eggers
Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

Information for all of Robert's past films can also be found at RPAU's individual film pages by clicking photo below.
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