May 2nd, 2009 / 3 Comments

Wow, this clip is my favourite one so far. The ‘kissing scene’ is the best scene in the movie and Paul Morrison (the director) said that it’s the hardest one to shoot. In fact he said that “Any kissing scene is difficult to shoot.” And then, he laughed.

Anyway, after seeing this clip, I can’t wait for the 6th of July to come. And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know that the soundtrack is going to be available. From the snippets that I’ve heard online, this soundtrack is going to be a winner. Probably the best soundtrack I’ve heard in a while.

May 2nd, 2009 / 1 Comment


There are two really interesting Little Ashes articles published in Out.Com by Michael Martin.  The first is Love in the Time of Lorca  where he obviously discusses the relationship between Lorca and Dali and has some interesting comments from Javier Beltram, Philippa Gossett and Paul Morrison.  Morrison says:

“I didn’t really know him from the Harry Potter movies,” … “And then he came and did this reading, and he was so lovely and vulnerable and smart in the way Dalí was. If he played Dalí like the caricature we’re familiar with, nobody would care that Lorca was falling in love with him. You’d want to say to him, ‘Get the hell out of this relationship — this guy is trouble.’ But Robert manages to make this guy really interesting from the start.”

Then there’s Golden Age where he interviews Matthew McNulty about his role as Luis Buñuel.   Matthew shares his first encounter with Rob:

“I was a little bit nervous, to be honest,” he says. “Before I went I’d heard a lot about Rob and thought, All right, he’s really good-looking. When I knocked on his hotel room door, there was no answer, and I thought, God, he’s with girls or something. But he was just sitting on the balcony with his computer and a massive Dalí book.

Computer and a massive Dali book – yep sounds like Rob, but I’m sure there was a cigarette in hand too.  If you want to read the full article just click on the titles.

May 1st, 2009 / 0 comments

As mentioned in my earlier LA post today, there will be plenty of interviews/reviews for this film given that it is about to be released in the US.  Here’s another one from RadarOnline who had a sneek preview.  It doesn’t really tell us anything more than we already know, and I wonder if they actually paid any attention to the film or have just read all the reviews:

“While this might not the Pattinson most fans are used to, Little Ashes gives him a chance to show his range as Dali, who boomerangs between cocky confidence and insecurity. And not to worry—during the scenes set in the early 20s, Pattinson looks as dashing as ever in suits and slicked-back hair. Overall, Pattinson’s brooding good looks and intensity make the couple’s tortured love affair feel very real—just as they do in Twilight. Be prepared to shed a few tears in this flick!”

Very insightful – but in case you want to read the rest click here.  Really this is just a gratuitous LA post because I love the music from this film and thanks to our affiliate ROBsessed you can listen to the track “Viva La Revolucion”.

May 1st, 2009 / 2 Comments

That smile…


Thank you so much to LJ member imaginazyon for this GIF.

May 1st, 2009 / 3 Comments


Fantastic news, according to the UK DVD release date for Little Ashes has been brought forward to July 6 2009 instead of the original date of August 24 2009.

This news has absolutely made my day, actually it has made my week. I cannot wait to see Little Ashes. July 6 cannot come quick enough.

Visit to see for yourself & if you wish to, pre-order your copy if you haven’t done so already.

May 1st, 2009 / 0 comments


Elizabeth Snead from the LA Times blog, The Dish Rag, interviewed, Paul Morrison, the director of Little Ashes, about casting Rob in the film.  I have seen some of the Q&As in this interview previously and undoubtedly, as the US release draws closer, we will probably see many more.  For me though, the best part of the article is the following:

DR: It’s wonderful to see a young actor like this, who despite the fame and the adulation is choosing a path and taking some extremely challenging and provocative roles. Do you think he will continue on that path?

PM: He is serious about acting and I am sure that, yeah, he will want to do roles that challenge him. I can’t tell you how hard he worked on the role of Dali. I was encouraging him to just play the script, but he was for himself hunting down every day bits of film or tape or interviews or a biography of Dali. He worked really hard at it, both intellectually and emotionally. I think that’s in his blood now, I think. I don’t think he’ll be satisfied with playing less than interesting roles.

I’ll ignore the fact that the Dish Rag seems to assume that Rob chose the Dali role post Twilight.  Rob has always said that he doesn’t take on a role merely for the money and that he has to love the script first.  We can only imagine what future roles are in store for us to appreciate his incredible talent (and please no comments about the Screaming Fangirl emerging – I’m just stating fact).  To read the full article click here.

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UK Agents - Curtis Brown Group

Haymarket House, 28 - 29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP, UK

US Agents - William Morris Endeavor (WME Entertainment)

9601 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA

Rob’s Films
Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

The Batman Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
Director: Matt Reeves
Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

Tenet Role: Neil
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
Director: Robert Eggers
Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

Information for all of Robert's past films can also be found at RPAU's individual film pages by clicking photo below.
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