May 11th, 2009 / 1 Comment


Amanda Bell from is saying that “Instead of being listed as “optioned property” on IMDb Pro, Breaking Dawn is now in “script,” and “[p]lanning to start in late spring 2010.”  Well that kind of backs up Rob’s comments on the ET interview when he said he was booked up for the next year.  Okay – let’s just speculate for a moment.

Rob’s finishing up on New Moon in a few weeks, then he’s off to New York for Memoirs/Remember Me (sorry I prefer the original title and am having trouble letting go), then he’s back in “crazy town” for Eclipse up until November.  Hopefully he’s off home to London for Christmas since he usually gives himself a holiday in December.  Then it looks like he’s probably back in Feb/March to rehearse for Breaking Dawn which should take him to end of Spring and finally off to Paris in the summer to shoot Bel Ami.  Phew – have I got it all because I’m exhausted just thinking about it and I’m not even including any of the premieres for these films (you better be coming to Oz) or press junkets.  Rob – I hope somewhere in between all of this you get the time to finish composing that soundtrack you so happily hinted at – not that I”m trying to jinx you – we so want to hear more of your music.

Well as I said, I’m only speculating since Breaking Dawn and Bel Ami haven’t been officially confirmed yet (Rob you’re looking mighty suspicious – what aren’t you telling us).  You can read Amanda’s full article by clicking here.

May 11th, 2009 / 3 Comments


According to Robert Pattinson Online, Rob’s short film ‘Summer House’ will  be making its debut in the Cannes Film Festival. It will be shown at the Short Film’s Corner on Thursday the 14th of May and Friday the 15th of May.

So this is why Rob needs to be in Cannes. Hmm…I wonder if he’s going to be there for his birthday as well?

Photo Credit: Campbell Mitchell

May 11th, 2009 / 7 Comments

Happy 23rd Birthday to you Rob. I hope it is a really special one.

In honour of Rob’s Birthday, I am going to share some of my favourite Rob gifs with you all. The following 5 are the ones that I love the most

‘You’re not a nobody, you’re a somebody’


Rob as Art in How To Be. The ‘mirror scene’ is my

most favourite in the whole movie.

‘Lion & Lamb’


Rob & Kristen behind the scenes of the ‘meadow scene’

One of my most favourites in the Twilight movie.

‘Behind the scenes of How To Be’


Rob flashing that smile we all love so much.

This is one of my most most favourites.

‘Bella’s Lullaby’


Rob playing the piano on the Twilight set. I love watching

him play.  I could sit & listen all day. So very talented.

‘Talking to fans on the Red Carpet’


I love watching this footage of Rob on the red carpet at

the Oscars. He is always so very kind to his fans.

Thank you so much to all the talented people who have made these .gifs.  If you have made any of these & would like to be credited, please let us know.

May 11th, 2009 / 1 Comment

Good morning everyone! Here’s a beautiful picture of Art from HOW TO BE to brighten up your morning, thanks to Pattinson Online. If you want to see a larger version, please click on the picture. Oh, and don’t forget that Rob’s birthday is only two days away! Wonder what he’d be doing on his birthday?


May 10th, 2009 / 4 Comments

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Hi everyone.  Starting tomorrow, we will begin our countdown to Rob’s 23rd Birthday which is of course as you all know, on May 13.

In between Monday & Wednesday, myself Cilla & Maria will be posting our birthday tributes here on the site.  We hope you will all enjoy what we have chosen to post in honour of Rob’s birthday.

May 10th, 2009 / 7 Comments

I know how much you enjoy seeing old photos of Rob, so I thought I’d share some early shots from Rob’s Barnes Theatre & Co days.  What do you think – signs of a star in the making?  Personally, the first two photos could easily be front page post Oscars acceptance (well maybe in a slightly more modern tux)!  Thanks to Pattinson life.



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Rob’s Contact Details
UK Agents - Curtis Brown Group

Haymarket House, 28 - 29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP, UK

US Agents - William Morris Endeavor (WME Entertainment)

9601 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA

Rob’s Films
Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

The Batman Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
Director: Matt Reeves
Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

Tenet Role: Neil
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
Director: Robert Eggers
Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

Information for all of Robert's past films can also be found at RPAU's individual film pages by clicking photo below.
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