April 25th, 2009 / 2 Comments

Here’s the clips from Day 2 of ET.  Rob let’s us in on a few secrets including a dream sequence of Bella’s that is going to shock us – why is she making out with Rosalie – lol?  I have to say I never expected hardhitting questions from ET but did anyone else notice the “if you had a sister” question yesterday.  Who does she think Lizzy and Victoria are?  Great research there Thea.  Thanks to Everglow and YouTube user christinedechagny.  Ooh and look out for Monday’s “the cast before they were stars”  because none of us knew Rob before Twilight – LOL!!!!!!

Part 1 Day 2

Day 2 Part 2

April 25th, 2009 / 3 Comments


James Mottram of The Independent recently interviewed Rob and it is one of the better ones I’ve read in quite some time.   Rob talks about his new found fame and the craziness that surrounds him as well as on Salvador Dali and his struggles.  I am always interested to hear what Rob thinks about these topics and he doesn’t disappoint:

on Dali:

“Just hyper-consciousness and stuff… I guess I do relate to that quite a lot,” he mumbles.   What I really related to is this idea of ambition. Just being so concerned about being the best and being known for being someone important… he keeps continually forgetting that it doesn’t really mean anything at all. And I always found that idea interesting. But I think Dali has a lot of shame – and I don’t really have that!”

on himself:

“You can never be known for what you want to be known for … People will know you for whatever they want to know you for.”  

So true Rob, so true.   It’s also hard to disagree with James’ final comment that “for a 22 year old, Rob is surprsingly perceptive”.  What’s not surprising is that he is so grounded and unaffected by the fame.  These characteristics are just two of the reasons why he has won himself a legion of admirers.  The quotes above, for me, are further proof of that.  Thanks to our affiliate Robsessed.  You can read the full interview here.

April 24th, 2009 / 2 Comments

Here is what we’ve been waiting for, the ‘behind-the-scenes’ interview of Rob, Kristen & Taylor at ET.  I’m so pleased that the YouTube videos are good quality videos, especially since I don’t have FOXTEL at home. Anyway, here they are, part 1 and part 2 of the interview.

I’ve just realised how much I missed watching new interviews of Rob. We haven’t really heard much from him since the Oscars.

April 23rd, 2009 / 1 Comment


Kyle & Jackie O from Sydney’s 2Day FM spoke with Ashley Greene yesterday about her involvement in New Moon and also asked her to confirm whether all the casting rumours are true.  Kyle also asks Ashley what Rob Pattison (get it right Kyle) is really like and I think you will enjoy Ashley’s response.  Well Kyle – sorry to disappoint – there is nothing bad about Rob (not that we are biased).   Unfortunately the file is too big and won’t let me download – so you can listen to it here.

April 21st, 2009 / No Comments


Let’s face it – none of us will be surprised by this news.  Amanda Bell from Examiner confirms that Rob has just won the Bravo A List Breakout Star Award for his portrayal of Edward Cullen.  And I have to agree with her comment that some fans may consider it an insult since we knew he was a star long before Eddie came along.  However, it’s great to see Rob reaping in the rewards and undoubtedly this will be one of many many more to come his way.  You can read the full article here.

April 21st, 2009 / 1 Comment

ET posted a short, 8 seconds clip of Rob talking about his ‘New Moon’ experience to whet our appetite before they release a longer version this Thursday. For some reason, I can’t embed the video on the site. Please click on the picture to go to ET’s site and watch the video.

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Watch our interviews with Rob. You can check out our other interviews with David Michod, Liz Watts & David Linde at our dedicated film page for The Rover

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Rob’s Contact Details
UK Agents - Curtis Brown Group

Haymarket House, 28 - 29 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4SP, UK

US Agents - William Morris Endeavor (WME Entertainment)

9601 Wilshire Blvd, 8th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA

Rob’s Films
Mickey17 Role: Mickey17
Director: Bong Joon Ho
Release Date: 31 January 2025 (US). | Post-Production since 22 December 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

The Batman Role: Bruce Wayne | Batman
Director: Matt Reeves
Release Date: Aust: 3 March 2022 | US: 4 March 2022. Check out all upcoming release dates at our Film Page by clicking on News below

Tenet Role: Neil
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release Date: 26 August 2020. For DVD release dates head to our dedicated film page by clicking "News" below.

The Lighthouse Role: Ephraim Winslow
Director: Robert Eggers
Release Date: Screened at TIFF Sept 2019 | US 18 Oct 2019 - DVD releases at Film Page - click News below

Information for all of Robert's past films can also be found at RPAU's individual film pages by clicking photo below.
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