January 21st, 2014 / 12 Comments

See what I did there *giggles*

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Sources on tagged pics.

  • Jules
    Posted on January 21, 2014

    Oooh I get a glimpse into my future since it is still Monday here….and it is looking damn FABULOUS!!!! Thanks Michelle, you girls are spoiling us 🙂 I sooo love the blue jacket ones in particular….<3

  • Silvie
    Posted on January 21, 2014

    I know it’s only a silly MTV brawl but I’m really pissed off The Rover didn’t get to the next round. Yeah, yeah I know better things ahead for Rob and without a shadow of a doubt he will have good quality projects that are meaningful and classy.

    I’m OK now, I just had to get that out, I’ve been holding it in all day, best out and over. Love ya Rob.

    @Jules, btw, thanks for having link for us.

  • Silvie
    Posted on January 21, 2014

    Ooops, Michelle, I was meaning to thank you too for the gorgeous, gorgeous pics. 😀

  • Sue
    Posted on January 21, 2014

    One of my very favourite things, is when I click on a tiny box, only to have Rob’s gorgeous smile light up my entire screen!!! Guaranteed to put a smile on MY face, every time!

    Thanks Michelle, these are heavenly. *which one do I click on next?*

  • Carmel
    Posted on January 21, 2014

    Bwhahahaha – YES. I saw what you did and I love it! Just what I needed, Michelle. 🙂

    @Silvie – I hear ya. I have had the MTV Blues all day too

  • Maria
    Posted on January 21, 2014

    @Silvie I’m gutted. Those pesky Veronica Mars people – let them have Round 3 – it’s probably the only thing they’ll ever win. Yeah I’m bitter – come at me LOL.

  • Michelle
    Posted on January 21, 2014

    I hear ya Silvie re: the MTV Brawl, I wanted The Rover to win sooooo bad. Damn those Veronica Mars fans grrrrrrrrrr *glares at them*

    LOL Maria, oh so true.

    *giggles* @Carmel.

    Me too Sue, heaven!

  • Roberta
    Posted on January 21, 2014

    Thank you Michelle! Lovely!

  • Trish
    Posted on January 22, 2014

    Well, the ‘Brawl’ part certainly came true – some seriously pissed-off Rob fans here! Anyway, thank God that’s over. Now we can get on and concentrate on what really matters – anticipating ‘The Rover’, of course! I reckon David must be pretty stoked even getting it listed – as someone pointed out, it is a (relatively) low-budget indie film, after all. I can imagine the publicity machine for ‘VM’ is already grinding away, hence the frenzy. Right. Let’s move on. Michelle, I must be thick as two short planks – I thought your post was all about ‘happy, smiling Rob’ and then I saw there were a couple of ‘serious-faced Rob’ ones in there to confuse me – now I don’t know what to think! Maybe I’ll just stare for a bit until I reach enlightenment…

  • Michelle
    Posted on January 22, 2014

    LOL Trish, that made me giggle. The theme was the Today show, The title ‘Today Is Tuesday’ was my attempt at being clever haha.

  • Trish
    Posted on January 23, 2014

    Ohhhhh… duh! I sure feel like a dope… Still, I had fun trying to work it out. Keep us guessing, Michelle – I like it!

  • Lynda
    Posted on January 23, 2014

    Thank you Michelle 🙂 and I just LOVE reading YOU ALL ladies ! My english isn’t elaborated enough for participating fully or understanding 100% every idioms or expressions but I really enjoy reading your comments 😀 I too didn’t catch the Today show hint, and I also I’m not very happy that The Rover didn’t make it… so now I’m systematically voting for HG everytime I vote for MttP ! But hey, yes, it is just a silly MTV movie brawl LOL ! Let’s go get them anyway grrrrrr…. pouah ah ah !
    Have a good day/week, here in Montréal after a few days of warmer weather than usual we are back in the artic week 😛 Take care everybbody !
    @Jules : haven’t had the time to comment on your blog yet, but you know all the good I think of your, always, beautiful beautiful work of art with The Man 🙂 xox
    (hope this time WP will show this comment, sometimes I write but it doesn’t appear…)

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