December 31st, 2012 / 13 Comments

So many amazing & precious moments from 2012 – what a year it has been.  Trying to narrow the choices down to just one in the categories below wasn’t easy but it sure was fun 😀  Some of my most fave Rob moments from 2012…

Favourite photoshoot – L’Uomo Vogue

I ADORE this shot, have had it as my desktop wallpaper ever since we first saw it & it will be staying put for a very long time. Just absolutely gorgeous.  I love how different this shoot is, just LOVE it.

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Favourite Premiere - Cosmopolis Cannes Premiere, 25 May 2012

Just HAD to be Rob in Cannes for the Cosmopolis premiere. Seeing Rob on the red carpet – such PROUD moments, so thrilled for him. Alongside talented people like David, Juliette, Paul & the rest of the wonderful cast & crew. Exactly where he belongs. Rob was so happy, so proud – was written all over his face. Makes me grin like crazy whenever I think about it & of course when I see footage like in the video below. Have compiled just a few of my fave moments from the red carpet.

Favourite TV Appearance – Jimmy Fallon, 8 November 2012

Yep there was no way I could go past Rob & Jimmy’s Water War, hahaha just absolutely EPIC. I’ve lost count how many times I have watched this & each & every time I laugh out loud. Rob & Jimmy together =absolute GOLD.

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Favourite Movie scene – Cosmopolis

I just HAD to include the swagger. Who can ever forget the first snippet we saw in the teaser trailer & then seeing the swagger in it’s full glory on the big screen.  The look on his face, Rob plays unhinged like no other. Eric of course then leads us to his confrontation with Benno. The final scene of the movie, Eric & Benno, this was the scene that I could not wait for. I was glued to the pages when reading the book & OMG was I glued to the screen when watching. Rob & Paul, wow, wow, wow. I swear I never blinked once. How fantastic were they together. Rob’s tear at the end – so powerful, so perfect. I am completely blown away each & every time I watch him. I truly could go on forever with my praise for him.  As the scene is over 20 minutes long, I’ve compiled my most fave portions of this amazing scene. You can imagine how hard it was narrowing it down!

Hope everyone is having/has an amazing New Years Eve. 2013 is going to be an absolutely EPIC year & it’s almost here *happy dance* Cannot wait to share & enjoy with you all the brilliance Rob has in store for us 😀

  • Roberta
    Posted on December 31, 2012

    Well my dear Michelle… you find me soooo agree with your taste: Rob as Mad Robert, Robert in Cannes and Robert as EWric Packer are all my 2012 fav!!!! Thank you!!!!
    Happy New Year to you and to all the ladies living in Australia… I guess you must be close or actually you’re already in 2013???!!!!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Michelle
    Posted on December 31, 2012

    It’s 11.26pm so not far away Roberta 🙂

  • Elaine
    Posted on January 01, 2013

    Your choices are perfect Michelle 🙂

    Happy New Year to all , the banner is absolutely amazing and stunning – 2013 RPAU the place to be – woot woot!!!

  • Maria
    Posted on January 01, 2013

    Oh Michelle I so almost went with L’Uomo with Rob looking out of the plane window, but it’s so difficult to choose

    Happy New Year all.

  • Carmel
    Posted on January 01, 2013

    Happy New Year ladies.

    Michelle – What a wonderful post. I have to say, I especially loved your Cosmo recount. I lived every word as you discribed too.

  • Carmel
    Posted on January 01, 2013

    Oh My Lord Jules! – I just saw the banner. One of your best. It is superb

  • Silvie
    Posted on January 01, 2013

    The banner….WOW. It’s fantastic. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone and all the best for a wonderful 2013. 🙂

  • Jules
    Posted on January 01, 2013

    wonderful choices too Michelle….just LOVE!!!! thank you so much for putting this all together. brilliant 🙂

  • Jules
    Posted on January 01, 2013

    ooops, damn i forgot to say thank you for the banner comments girls. 🙂 mwah

  • Vertigo
    Posted on January 01, 2013

    Such a good year! I especially love watching your snippets from the Cannes red carpet Michelle.

  • Sue
    Posted on January 01, 2013

    Thanks for these, Michelle. More Cannes footage to enjoy, which we all clearly can’t get enough of! Love seeing your other choices too.

  • Vicky
    Posted on January 01, 2013

    Am loving catching up on these posts!!! Perfect cheer up for the back to work blues tomorrow but then again, Rob is always the very best medicine!!!!!!!! Love your choices Michelle!!

    *sigh* Cannes Rob, it really is WIN!!

  • Suze
    Posted on January 02, 2013

    Great choices, Michelle! I never get tired of those Water War gifs. 😉 We were definitely on the same wavelength with favorite scene. That swagger. . . no words

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