November 18th, 2009 / 28 Comments


To all our wonderful followers we hope you don’t mind that we’re taking tonight off  but “we have to go” *blink* *blink* *blink* (thanks Hanna), but we’ll be back tomorrow with more Rob news.  For our Aussie friends we hope you enjoy tonight and for everyone else only 1 more sleep or so.  ENJOY!!!  And if you do mind well as Eddie says  “You Can Go To Hell!   Hahaha only kidding.  Sorry I just couldn’t resist the quotes.

  • Sammicat
    Posted on November 18, 2009

    hope you having a fab time!!

    can’t wait…

    I’ve just done a fanfic chapter on the post-traumatic stress of the New Moon separation. feeling very emotional today 🙁

  • lise-lou
    Posted on November 18, 2009

    LOL M&M so funny! Am so jealous you girls are 3 hours ahead of me!! Heading off soon but am sooooooo excited (too many cupcakes I think)

    Can’t wait to see Rob on the big screen! Hope everyone has a great time 🙂

  • Suze
    Posted on November 18, 2009

    Enjoy! Still counting down here. Can’t wait!

  • Stacey.
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!! (**turns into a squeeling teeny**)
    I am in love with this movie!!
    It exceeded my already high expectations, I am so rapt with it.
    It is definately worth the fact that I am going to work today on an hour and a half nap.
    I want to go back and see it NOW!! 🙂

  • Stacey.
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    (Sorry for the double post)

    The only problem with the movie was that I felt like a dirty old perve checking out Taylor’s 27 pack in the movie. I’m only 20, but that is too old to be perving on a 17 y.o no matter how buff he is haha.

  • Jane
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    Great Movie!!! Like Stacey surviving on two and a half hours sleep and all I can do is think of the movie, have to see it again. Robert was just awsome in it, left everyone else for dead.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    Thanks guys. Well Michelle & I are going to see it again at 10 am this morning. We call it research for the site and yes well loads of people screamed when TayTay took off his shirt, but I hate to say it even if he wasn’t jailbait it does absolutely nothing for me – I just don’t get it. Now as for Rob under clocktower – yep absolutely perfect.

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    @ Maria, clock tower Edward knocked by breath out from under me. Freakn Amazing!
    But I must admit, both my daughters are now Team Jacob. That’s OK. It’ll take some heat away from Rob.

  • SammiCat
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    sounds like the film lives up to the hype. must admit that clocktower Eddie is the most beautiful and haunting image I have a Rob. I keep that image in my head for the sadder parts of my writing. it moves me to tears.

    how are we going to cope with not having repeat viewings of NM on demand?

  • Anna
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    Movie was excellent, however I wish there was a rule that auto kicked anyone who squealed or made stupid noises during the movie. I nearly kicked the girl infront of me in the back of the head


    Overall, didn’t let down expectations, and I can’t wait to see it again on the big screen when there are… less 12 year old girls who should of been in bed at 12am.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    Oh Anna I know what the hell were they doing there at that time – that’s what I want to know. The squealing and screaming is unbelievable. All I kept thinking was “how has Rob not had a breakdown or gone mad from these morons”. Sorry if you are reading this and you are a screamer and offended get a grip. I can’t imagine how bad it must be for him to have this constantly – I’m taking my hat off to him for not having lost his cool and completely snapped. I endured it for what just over 4 hours and I couldn’t get out of cinema quick enough. It’s completely unnecessary. Screaming at him is NOT going to get his attention in a good way. In fact it will make him run faster in the opposite direction. And screaming at a cinema screen – well I just don’t get it.

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    I was at a little suburban cinema & other than collective laughs, intakes of breathe & a huge round of applause etc ( all in the right places) that audience was just glued to the screen. Lucky me.

  • Sare
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    My first viewing of Rob on the bigscreen…………….. THUD!!!!

    That man is heartbreakingly beautiful. He was brilliant. And the clocktower was so powerful. Sorry I’m ranting!

    p.s Felix 😛 to you lol

  • kespax
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    Why is Rob looking so relaxed and happy lately?
    Because he is again the best thing about this movie.

    No matter what crtics say about New Moon he has nothing to worry about – he blows everyone else off sceen when he’s there.
    He’s such a mega movie star in this, his charisma and presence and beauty, it’s overwhelming.

    Lots to like about New Moon, Italy especially. But I detested the music.
    The sparkle is soooo much better.
    Taylor – not doing it for me, squeely shallow girlies liked his naked chest.

  • Jane
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    Everyone is so right Taylor not doing it for me either.
    Nothing hotter than Robert!

  • vertigo
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    Trying to remain spoiler free, I can say those faded lights on the ceiling are so lovely at times, they almost twinkle and if you look long enough, they turn into tiny star like patterns….
    (for those who aren’t aware, I chose to look away while the 17 year old beef boy tried to steel the show), sorry Tay Tay.

  • vertigo
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    I’m really trying to hold back on the biast but it’s impossible – Rob really was the best thing about this movie.

  • vertigo
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    What a crazy insane lead up to the movie (in the cinema), thought someone was going to die.
    Feel bad for the ones who had to endure the screaming. Lucky for us, it calmed down for NM. It was all just heavy breathing and sighing thereon.

    and can someone please explain why they would take their twin 2 year olds to a midnight screening?! If that’s you, I’m sorry but that’s just insane.

  • vertigo
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    oh and Maria, I totally agree. If that’s how people carry on over a screening, can’t imagine what Rob must be experiencing in the flesh. My God!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on November 19, 2009


    @Kespax you said it so well! Rob was freaking AMAZING in this movie!!!!!!!!!! He completely stole the show as far as I am concerned!

    So much I loved about it I laughed, I cried, I got mad, I seriously felt like I had run a marathon afterwards!

    Was really lucky we didn’t have screamers lots of laughs, applause (for the dog bits *rolls eyes*)

    Were bits I LOVED bits I didn’t but won’t spoil. Loved the music can’t wait to see it again!

    And M&M you were right Rob on the big screen absolutely blew my mind!!!!!

    And I think Billy Burke and Michael Sheen deserve a special mention *buttons lip*

  • Kathryn
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    Movie was great, Rob was gorgeous, audience was fairly well behaved, and I wasn’t the oldest woman in the audience!!!!

  • vertigo
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    Rob really did own the movie Lise_Lou.

    hahaha Kathryn, neither was I!

  • Maria
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    Yep Lise-Lou Rob on big screen so so worth it. Am working on hopefully getting Little Ashes & How To Be screened in Sydney so stay tuned Sydney people.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    Haha Kespax how relaxed does Rob come across as Eddie. I saw it this morning for the second time and I’ve come away with a different opinion – but I won’t go on too much so I can remain spoiler free, but honestly Rob steals the show as expected. And it’s so much better without screamers although there really wasn’t any atmosphere in cinema this morning.

  • Stacey.
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    @Maria, I know how you feel about the screamers. The teeny’s in front of me cheered when the previews came on, and cheered louder when the movie came on but I was lucky, because like @Carmel, I saw it in a small cinema and during the movie there was only laughs and sighs and that was all. They cheered and clapped at the end, which I thought was a little lame, but to each their own.

    Work on about an hours sleep is not ideal, but definately worth for Rob 🙂
    I am going to see the movie again tonight. I am about as excited to see it again as I was to see it last night (or this morning? Haha)

  • Anna
    Posted on November 19, 2009


    Couldn’t of said it better myself. The funniest part was – I was sitting with the anti-twilight and said “Ok, they might scream now” and there would be silence… though in a scene which wasn’t overly deserving OF a scream, they’d go mental… It did my head in… Not to mention it was annoying as ****

  • lise-lou
    Posted on November 19, 2009

    @Maria that is so exciting! Keep us posted 🙂

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 20, 2009

    Rob sure did owne the movie that is for sure. Just completely stole the entire show & outshone everyone by far. Such a brilliant performance. Agree with you all about Michael Sheen, so awesome as Aro & agree LL, just love Billy Burke.

    Oh & the screams, my right ear which was constantly screamed in by the girl beside me has still not recovered. Rob how you deal with all these screaming people on a day to day basis is beyond me. You truly deserve a medal for always handling yourself in such a wonderful manner. By now I would have snapped & had a breakdown. People who scream, what the hell is wrong with you. No offense, but I do not understand the need to scream. I knew the Twi fans were intense but I had no idea they were that extremely full on. Just terrible. When I hear screams now I shudder even more.

    Agree about the people who took their twins to the screening Vertigo. What is wrong with these people. I do not understand.

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