November 4th, 2009 / 8 Comments


We have certainly come a long way since Cilla’s inaugural message on 4 November 2008:

“Welcome to Robert Pattinson Fans Australia’s LiveJournal Community. This is an extension of the “Robert Pattinson Fans Australia’ Myspace page. I just think that LiveJournal is a better medium for posting (and chatting) about our favourite actor. I will be posting regularly here, and hopefully…most of you will too. Any news, music, video, icons, layouts or anything else Rob-related is very welcome here.”

Well as you can see we moved on from being a LiveJournal Community and lucky for Michelle and myself, Cilla was kind enough to give us the site back in June *waves to Cilla you are truly a wonderful wonderful person*.  We are still bringing you all things Rob and Rob has definitely kept us busy, but more importantly we are happy to have all of you following us and giving us the love and support that makes us keep going.  Both Michelle and I would also like to thank our truly amazing affiliates – you guys all rock.

So to help celebrate our 1st birthday we have decided to give some love back to you.  Our wonderful follower and friend Deanne Barnaby has donated 2 tickets to the screening of Twilight and New Moon at the Randwick Ritz on 18/19 November for us to giveaway.  Michelle and I also obtained 2 copies of People magazine’s New Moon Special Collector’s Edition thanks to Linda Tresham of  You won’t have to do anything special for a chance to win one of these prizes, all we ask is that you keep an eye out in the next week for random “giveaway” posts and comment.  Michelle and I will have decided on what number comment will be the lucky recipient prior to posting.  We’d love to tell you what number, but then you will all be sitting there waiting for your chance to win.  It’s truly going to be random so good luck everyone.  Again, thanks for following us and letting us know what you think otherwise it would just be Michelle and me here swapping pics of Rob on MSN and drooling over how great he looks.  Oh and that pic at Planet Hollywood above is the first pic Cilla posted of Rob on the LJ and here’s one from last night.


  • lise-lou
    Posted on November 04, 2009

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *taps glass and clears throat*

    Thank you thank you thank you Michelle and Maria from the bottom of my heart for the fabulous work you do on this site for us to all enjoy. I can only imagine how much time and energy you both commit to this site but we certainly appreciate it and love you for it as I know it sometimes isn’t easy.

    It is such a pleasure to come here everyday and see what glorious treats you bring us every day. In a world where I am surrounded by people who just don’t get my Robsession this site is my happy safe place ;).

    I really don’t know how you girls do it but you ALWAYS bring a smile to my face every day (and make me squee and act like a giggly tween oh and then the other day I cried tears of joy at the VF pics – when I am old enough to know better!) and I love you for it!

    Thank God for you Cilla *waves* otherwise yes we would all be “here swapping pics of Rob on MSN and drooling over how great he looks”.

    This site really is the best for soooo many reasons but the main ones being that you treat Rob with such respect and dignity and of course what makes it is all the wonderful girls who come here.

    Love you *mwah*

    OK speech over lets hit the dance floor!

  • Sare
    Posted on November 04, 2009


    I’ve said this before but its has to be said again. I’m so grateful to have found a site that sees rob as a human being and not a $ sign.

    I’m eternally grateful for all your hard work to keep my rob addiction not under control!!!

    much love (and champers!)

  • vertigo
    Posted on November 04, 2009


    Thankyou to Cilla who should be proud of starting something so beautiful. *bows down*

    RPAU is like coming home where I can play among the similar minded (I think mostly sane), worship Rob in peace and without judgement – my safe haven. This is my Rob family and I wouldn’t swap them for anything else in the world.
    Not only does the BCA rock it, but the fact we don’t have to deal with the crazy speaks volumes for our fave Admins, Michelle and Maria (we love our M&M’s). You ladies spend hours on research, deal us the goods, present Rob as Rob and don’t take us down the path of speculation and bollocky gossips. All this and more while attempting to maintain your real lives – an amazing feat, but we know and feel it come through as a labour of love. You are absolutely gorgeous and I don’t know where we’d be without you both (probably falling through some dark rabbit hole on twitter, *shivers*).
    At the end of the day, the M&M’s understand that Rob is what really matters and we are united on this journey together through RPAU. *raises BIG glass and joins in on the dance floor*

    Here’s to many more!

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 04, 2009

    Lise-Lou, Vertigo & Sare – your lovely, sweet & kind messages have just put the biggest smile on my face. Your words just mean so much to Maria & myself & we thank you all so very much for being here with us each day. We love sharing with you our love & appreciation of this amazing, truly beautiful & special man Rob. We love you too & I am sending big giant hugs to you all 😀

  • Maria
    Posted on November 04, 2009

    Thanks so much @Vertigo – I got goosebumps reading this. You know how much we love you! You have been with us since pretty much the beginning – well beginning for me anyway. Who could forget that fateful day at the HTB screening when all of a sudden I get asked “um are you the Maria that posts on RPAU”. Me thinks you were channelling Eddie there because I have no idea how you knew it was me – hmm perhaps because I wasn’t 16 hahahaha.

  • Carmel
    Posted on November 04, 2009

    Happy Birthday RPAU.

    Cheers to Maria & Michelle for fostering this wonderful family. It truly is a place where I can feel normal in my hobby (safest word I could think of).
    I never used the internet for anything but work until I found Rob. I couldn’t get enough and found some very bizarre sites out there in my virgin searches. Stumbling across an American site that offered Rob fandom without the craziness was very comforting, but then I found RPAU and I was home.
    I needed a little direction when I first started joining in here and Maria provided kind hearted advice in the values of the site and was very welcoming at the same time. (So, I don’t agree with what you said about yourself recently Maria, that you are sometimes the hard one of the M&M).
    Michelle has such a lovely way with words. It seems like you are really having a conversation and I feel a mutual love of Rob music shines through.
    The work you two put in is so very much appreciated and I thank you both in my prayers just before bed as you often provide my Rob dreams that are to follow.
    And to everyone else that chats… you are all brilliant for making me feel so normal.

  • Maria
    Posted on November 04, 2009

    @Carmel thanks so much. “Normal” – um we are the norm – clearly it’s everyone else that has problems since they fail to see what a truly magnificent specimen of a man Rob is. And I’m talking about his nature not just his looks – he’s very special and that is what attracts most of us to him.

  • Michelle
    Posted on November 04, 2009

    @Carmel – thank you so very much for your kind words. They just mean so much & we appreciate them 😀

    So so true Maria. How some people cannot see just how much of a truly special person Rob is I will never understand. Such a beautiful nature he has. Such a truly gorgeous person. Who he is as a person is definitely what attracts most of us to him for sure. I know it is what I love about him the most.

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