*Spoiler Alert* I know some of you have said that you are not going to watch any future teasers so don’t press play, but it is Rob so for those of us who just can’t wait ….. You can watch here on Yahoo or the YouTube version below thanks to NessaYaVi717
Thank you so much for posting this Maria. How damn good is this clip. Won’t say anything that will spoil it for the ones that don’t want to know but gee I cannot wait for this movie. So so close now, cannot wait much longer lol. I really wish I was strong enough to resist these clips but I’m just too weak to resist lol.
havent wached it yet, wanted to thank in advance (and finish b’fast so I can’t choke at the Robness) have a top day guys see yous this avo!
Hurry up November!!
I have no stength to stay away Rob. You are my life now.
I bit dramatic.. but I caved in and watched this one. Can’t wait.
OUCH! So good though, thanks for my morning motivation.
Thanks so much for that…looks epic!
I heard a rumor at work today that RPattz and KStew are coming out for the Sydney premiere of New Moon.
I kind of find it hard to believe because it wouldve been promoted and on all the fan websites…but that didnt stop me from sitting on google and various fansites for the past 30mins trying to find out anything I could, lol.
Just wondering if anyone else had heard anything about this?
Cheers guys!
@Kiz there is no Sydney premiere of New Moon – did they read it in one of the gossip mags because if they saw it in FAMOUS then I debunked that rumour then. I would say at the moment there is no truth to that rumour – HOYTS Distribution told me that there were no plans for a Sydney premiere with the cast since they were all contracted, plus you would have seen that Rob is actually supposed to be on Regis & Kelly the day New Moon is released in Australia. So he can’t really be in two places at once.
Oh @Kiz next time if you want confirmation of a rumour just email us – we pretty much will get to the bottom of it if we don’t already know the answer.
thanks Maria for posting! I definately fall into the “just can’t wait” category! I am too impatient to wait for the 19th but admire those who do 🙂
whoops! just remembered about my boycott……..AFTER i watched it……..lol
Arrrgh I am supposed to have a blackout too and I just watched the breakup scene again. I wish people would stop enticing me to do that.
LOL me too Maria & Sare. Ever since I watched the break up scene this morning I have been thinking about it & I’ve just watched it again now. Trying *really* hard to have a blackout with the NM clips but I am finding it so hard to stay away lol.
I know I watched the break up too and now I feel bad about it!! Wished I hadn’t but glad I did…does that even make sense?
@Lise-Lou yes.
*puts hand up* Me too, wish I hadn’t watched it though.
Hiya fellow Twibabes from the UK xx
This clip is quite horrifying, and as for Edward’s face at the end of it – it nearly broke my heart.
The look they have given Clocktower Eddie is hauntingly beautiful – I think he has never looked more bereft as he thinks he is about to lose Bella again. I wasnt originally keen on them putting in the fight scene, but can see now that it works.
oooh have u seen when he flips bella?? tricky!