August 31st, 2009 / 19 Comments

In the words of Art, that is exactly how I am feeling now I have that dreaded assignment done. Going back to school, was it a good idea?, hmmm the jury is still out on that one lol.

In order of my improved mood & just because I love him, I thought I would share one of my most favourite photos of Rob as Art with you all.  I just adore this one.   Exactly what we need to help further improve all of our Monday’s.


  • Louise
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    I just love this pic and this movie is fantastic, rob is just adorable. How to be is my favourite movie at the moment, and little ashes is in the mail!! ThiS pic has put a smile on my face as I am sick 🙂

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    ah michelle that’s a lovely shot! I love this movie so much he is just hilarious in it. Mmmm might watch it tonight now you have got me thinking about Art 🙂

    Hope you feel better soon Louise 🙂

  • Maria
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    @Louise – hope you are feeling better. Art was my favourite character of Rob’s (next to Toby Jugg), until I saw him as Dali. You are in for a treat!

  • tessANZ
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    will try to get those movies on Amazon for sure…am organising a Twilight (Wednesday 18th at 10 pm) and New Moon (12.05 am on Thursday 19th) back to back showing in NZ for a fund-raiser and cannot wait!! wonder if we can show Little Ashes or How To Be here as well…neat photos, Michelle! yeah, going back to school is good. i am still trying to complete my thesis and sometimes want to chuck it all in but those moments pass and mostly i am glad i am still pursuing it…i think…heck, i could be doing worse things, i reckon! ciao bella!

  • Sare
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    can’t believe i haven’t seen this movie! I am seriously deprived…..
    gorgeous photo

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    @Sare, You just have to see Rob as Art, is just essential. Definitely seriously deprived by not seeing this movie for sure. Is available from Amazon UK, all it takes is a couple of clicks for Art to be delivered to your door. Can also order Little Ashes while you are there lol. In the words of Art I think you should ‘do it’ LOL!!!

    @Louise, I am so glad that this photo of Art has put a smile on your face. I hope you are feeling better really soon 😀

  • Louise
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    @sare- you have to see this movie, it’s absolutely fantastic and rob does a very fine job, it’s lovely. You can bye it cheaper on the net than most DVDs sold in aus! It’s really great and well worth the investment.

    I am still loving the photo- that smile!

  • Louise
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    Oh and thanks for all the get well messages,I’m feeling better already! Lol

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    We all need a little Art in our lives don’t we, thanks Michelle and congrats on getting the assignment done, even with Sunday’s challenge under your belt. lol
    Seeing Art today is like a reward for handing in my assignments too, feels good ay.
    Now and then I question why the hell did I go back to school and then I think – like Rug Rob will one day see the light in BCA – I too will graduate. Keeps me going ya know. lol

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    good to hear you are feeling better Louise. 🙂

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    @Vertigo – We all definitely need a little Art in our lives that is for sure. So lovely he is, adore him. LOL, thank you for the congrats. The pic challenge was just what I needed before starting to plough through my assignment. Rob is always there when we need him. Congrats to you too for handing in your assignment. Sure does feel so good. LOL, know exactly how you feel about school. The thought of graduating & Rug Rob coming to us in glorious BCA is more than enough to keep us going that is for sure.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    @Sare – am in shock. You need to see Rob as Art – it’s a necessity.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    @Vertigo – glad you handed in assignments and that Rob didn’t cause too much of a distraction yesterday. And yes we all need a little art in our lives. Clearly I have had too much time on my hands today. The six degrees of Rob’s roles – he played Cedric, who we call Ceddie and then he ends up as Edward who we call Eddie. Before Eddie he played Art and after Art he plays Dali – the saviour of modern art. I see a pattern – lol – yep – I’m delirious from all those pics yesterday.

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    LOL Maria. At least you make sense to us while speaking that Rob inspired language. lol

  • Maria
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    @Vertigo – ah yes Rob inspired language. I knew you would get it!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    LOL Maria! I am always delirious when I am on this site I think you make perfect sense. Very clever 😉

  • Federico
    Posted on September 01, 2009

    cool! nice website!

  • Pippa
    Posted on September 01, 2009

    Good morning ladies! Happy Tuesday!

    Three days out B/hol Monday in UK) and my withdrawal symptoms for not getting my dose of Vitamin R are now under control.

    I’ve taken time to look through the back log and oh boy, was it worth it!! So catching up here.

    @Emily: Very belated Happy Birthday from myself and what a treat you had there, a heart stopping picture of Rob.

    @Louise: I do hope you are feeling much better now?

    Thanks so much for posting this Art picture from HTB Michelle, this scene is hilarious and I have a big smile on my face while doing this post!

    Sare: Michelle is so right on this one, just watch HTB and Little Ashes and it makes you appreciate just how special Rob is.

    Glad to be back!

  • Michelle
    Posted on September 01, 2009

    It is so great to have you back Pippa 😀 Hope you enjoyed your extra day off. We have missed you around here. So glad you are enjoying catching up on everything. Gotta have our daily dose of Vitamin R for sure, is just essential.

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