August 30th, 2009 / 23 Comments


Oh Rob I just hope IMDb is not teasing us too.  They are stating that the Australian release date for Remember Me will be 11 February 2010.  Woo hoo.  Okay, well saying I’m a little excited is an understatement.  I should add that this date may change because IMDb is not alway 100% accurate all the time (they still have someone rumoured on the cast list – what?  the films been shot – surely they are no longer rumoured), but at least it looks like we are getting it either just before (again) or around the same time as the US.  Of course we will keep you posted if the date changes, but for now let’s just sleep easy tonight knowing that Tyler is on his way!

Ok there’s further confirmation that Tyler is on his way – Hoyts have listed it on their website.  Thanks to the lovely Emily for the tip and click on the link in case you might think you are dreaming!

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    Woooooo hoooooo!!! This news has just absolutely made my day. I too hope that IMDb is not just teasing us. They better not be lol. Just cannot wait to see Rob as Tyler. Thanks so much for posting Maria, excellent spotting. Tyler is on his way, wooo hoo lol!

    Oh just had to add, love that pic Maria. So gorgeous. Excellent choice 😀

  • alex
    Posted on August 30, 2009


  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    OMG that is sooooooo exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to see this movie and so pleased that we will get it. Thanks for letting us know Maria *does a happy dance*

  • Maria
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    @Lise-Lou – always knew we were getting it – was just a matter of when. Hoyts Distribution bought the rights during Cannes and since it’s a Summit film I don’t think there was every any doubt, but understand the concern.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    *still happy dancing* Ok so when he is going to be filming in New Zealand for Unbound Captives?? *cogs turning*

    Just thinking to myself…..

  • Louise
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • Steph
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    Yay! I’m so excited. Can’t wait for Remember Me.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    @Lise-Lou – hmmm I don’t think I want to post when he’s supposed to be in NZ, but I can say – at the moment it’s not February.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    oh well that’s ok was just a thought 🙂

    *still dancing*

  • Alicia Murray
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this be true OMG i am actually so excited that i can hardly breathe YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!

  • carol
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    YAY!!! this is great news! Am so looking forward to seeing this movie 🙂

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    THANKYOU Maria!

    OMG Tyler is on his way!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will be the BEST Birthday EVER! Please let it be true.

    *shaking with excites*

  • Maria
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    @Alicia – I’d say it’s true. IMDb have New Moon as being released here on 19 November on their site, so unless the Aussie distributors – that would be you Hoyts Distributors – change it for some unknown reason (like there is another film they can’t compete against being released on that day), then I think it’s safe to say it’s definitely being released here in Feb.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    @Vertigo – Feb 11 is your birthday?? I know Tyler on his way – woo hoo. Not sure what made me look there today, but glad I did.

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    Glad you did too. squeee!
    My birthday is the 13th Feb, but looks like I’ll be celebrating it over a few days… with Tyler!

  • Maria
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    @Vertigo – Rob looks after us. Just like he went to Comic-Con on mine (wish he hadn’t, but also glad he did) – lol.

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 30, 2009

    Vertigo – Feb 13th, the same day as 2 of my friend’s birthdays. A very popular day 😀

    With Tyler – such an excellent way to celebrate your birthday. So so excited we now have a date. LOL Maria, Rob is definitely so so good to us.

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    He does, he really cares.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    @Vertigo he does and there’s further confirmation – just updated post.

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    Thanks Emily and Maria for the confirmation!
    Heart skipped a few beats then.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    Thanks for the update Maria you (and Rob of course) made my day today! 🙂

  • Tonie
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    Wooooo Hooooo this is great news. Thanks

  • Sare
    Posted on August 31, 2009

    Thanks for the update. Wooooo! get to see tyler!!!

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