August 27th, 2009 / 18 Comments

I’m suffering Tyler withdrawals.  I know who would have thought, but February (or March – who knows when it will be released in Australia – don’t worry will let you know as soon as we do) is just too too far away and seeing as Summit hasn’t released a website for it yet, well I just had to see him again.  I couldn’t decide between which one of these pics to post.  I just love all the Alice in Wonderland ones so much and well – yep how could I not love the second choice too!  I wonder whether that girl realises how lucky she is – seriously even if that was the only role she ever lands you’d have to be happy with that.

Tyler @ Alice in Wonderland statute Tyler


  • Louise
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    I agree Maria, that girl is so lucky! I really love the first one with the fabulous ray-ban sunnies!!

    Is Remember Me originally from a book?

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    Thanks for posting these 2 gorgeous Tyler photos Maria. No wonder you couldn’t decide between the 2 pics, both so gorgeous. It’s so good to see Tyler again, have missed him. Absolutely cannot wait to see Rob in this role, February/March is definitely too too far away.

    I agree about the girl Maria, so so very lucky. If I were her I would be happy for life.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    @ Louise – no it’s only ever been a screenplay but was originally called Memoirs.

  • tessANZ
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    Hi guys, thanks for the pics and they are gorgeous. am really looking forward to “Remember Me” and also to Rob’s visit to New Zealand at the end of the year to film “Unbound Captives” with Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz…would be so cool!

  • Emily
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    I would give anything to be that girl. @tessANZ I am SO jealous that he’s filming in NZ. It should be Melbourne. :[

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    Wow sooo gorgeous can’t pick a fave from these two! Doesn’t it seem like ages ago when these came out? *sigh*

  • Maria
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    So TessANZ how many people can you accommodate? LOL – only kidding – we too are well aware of when Rob’s anticipated to be in NZ – he’s going to be so so close to us, but Michelle and I just can’t bring ourselves to become “stalker” material.

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    I needed some Tyler! 🙂

    Same here Maria. I usually visit NZ every two years (love it so much) but am thinking i won’t make the extra trip just to hunt Rob down. I’ll probably kick myself in years to come – but I’m thinking a little missing out on my part could make a world of difference to his work environment and NZ experience.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    Vertigo – very good of you to make that sacrifice for Rob! Oh and guess what – it’s taken 3 days but Rug Rob is now my icon – he has caught up with the rest of the world – woo hoo! I did it for all your viewing pleasure – hahahaha

  • Annette
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    Thanks for the gorgeous photos. I had a bit of an accident this afternoon and am in quite a bit of pain. Seeing these photos has certainly helped. Now if he could just turn up in person, that would be even better.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    @Annette – I hope you are okay. Glad we could ease some pain, but doubt we can help with the wishful thinking – lol.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    Get better soon Annette and am i hope your Dr has prescribed a dalily dosage of Rob to help your receovery 🙂

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    Sorry to hear about your accident Annette. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    I’m convinced my laptop has something against me by keeping Maria’s icon from my viewing pleasure. No complaints about glorious Rob though… but still…

  • Maria
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    Vertigo – it’s a conspiracy. He will arrive soon – I swear.

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    Feeling calmer now. lol Am clinging to your powers of positive thought.

  • Pippa
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    So nice to see Remember Me pictures again, Rob in Tyler mode is just so gorgeous. Thanks Maria.

    I’ve had to wait till now to get my Vitamin R as I’ve been rushed off my feet – so worth the wait! Can’t wait to see this marvellous film.

    Annette: Hope you feel better soon.

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    So glad to hear that these photos helped to ease your pain a little Annette. Rob always makes us feel better. Hope you are feeling much better soon, no fun at all being in pain.

  • Annette
    Posted on August 27, 2009

    Thanks everyone for the kind wishes. A lot of Rob and some pain killers lead to sweet dreams LOL!!!

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