August 23rd, 2009 / 12 Comments


I agree Rob – these articles are starting to become extremely annoying.  I only started reading EOnline’s Answer Bitch What Happens to R.Pattz When Twilight is Over” for some entertainment because I needed a laugh.  I never had any intention of posting it on the site because I understand that a lot of Rob’s current fans only love him because of Edward Cullen and I also think that when the Twilight Saga is over – well then some of those fans will also move along.  However, the comments she has made about whether Rob has the talent to stay in Hollywood and have a long career including “And don’t even talk to me about Pattz’s forgettable turn as Salvador Dalí. Did you stand in line to see Little Ashes? Exactly.”  have me a little fired up.  Well I’m not a 16 yo girl who only loves Rob because he is Edward Cullen.  I noticed Rob long before Eddie was even born (well maybe not really before Eddie was born because then I would be, yes, very old).   I would have most definitely stood in line to see him in Little Ashes if the Australian distributor actually bothered to release it here – even if only limited.   And I certainly don’t need to be convinced that he can act – I know he can.  His performance in LA is brilliant.  Sorry Answer Bitch, but I personally think it is.  The real question she should be asking is “Whether Rob Pattinson wants to remain in Hollywood – not whether he has the ability to“.   Seriously, if pulling out the Orlando Bloom and Mark Hamill card is as good as it gets, then explain to me how Keanu Reeves and Ben Affleck ended up with Hollywood careers.  Don’t get me wrong I don’t dislike Keanu & Ben, but if we are talking about acting abilities and lasting power in Hollywood.  Oh and here are some people who agree with me on Rob’s acting ability in Little Ashes:

“*** – Roger Ebert

“An elegantly designed film that fascinates … Pattinson captues the initial shyness and growing flambloyance of Dali” – Stephen Farber, Hollywood Reporter

“Mind blowingly beautiful … Robert Pattinson is simply brilliant.” – Gabe Doppelt, W Magazine

“An avant-garde artistic, erotic surrealistic ride … For the sheer love of romantic artistry, you should go see this film.” – Greg Shapiro, Chicago Free Press”

You see, I can use actual facts and data to my advantage too!  If you want to read her article, click on highlighted link above.

  • CorrinaT
    Posted on August 23, 2009

    Well said love! And way to use factual data to support!

  • Cougar71
    Posted on August 23, 2009

    I agree with you 100%! In addition to your mentions of Ben Affleck and Keanu Reeves, I’ll even be so bold as to add Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt to that list. I’ve always thought they were pretty lousy actors (though BP has gotten somewhat better with experience). I’m sure it’s no accident though that neither has ever earned an Oscar.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 23, 2009

    Hahaha – I forgot about Tom – I suppose that says something – lol.

  • alex
    Posted on August 23, 2009

    yes. Well said. Well i am a 16 yo girl but i love rob for his acting..and to be honest i think he’s gorgeous..not just from twilight. He is amazingly talented and anyone who says otherwise doesnt know what they are talking about. and i dont plan on abandoning him when he’s finished with twilight.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 23, 2009

    Alex we knew you wouldn’t be one to abandon him. Let’s just hope Rob doesn’t abandon us!

  • Louise
    Posted on August 23, 2009

    I read the article and i am discusted! Rob is extremely talented and i think that “answer bitch” is very narrow-minded and incredibly wrong. Yes there will be girls who will forget about rob after twilight, but they aren’t true fans. Rob is so incredibly talented as an actor, he is so versitile, and as a musician. Plus he has an extremely likable, down to earth, modest, funny personality that we all love. AND yes, i would line up to see Little Ashes and i know a lot of other people who would too, but since i cant, i have bought it. Unlike many other male actors in hollywood, Rob is actyally good at acting, and he isn’t in the industry to enlarge his ego, like many many actors. GAH! Rob will be around, i can tell you!

  • Michelle
    Posted on August 23, 2009

    I agree Maria these articles are starting to become extremely extremely annoying. I could not believe this woman’s comments when I read them. Her comments in particular about LA & Rob’s talent have made me really really annoyed. After reading her “And don’t even talk to me about Pattz’s forgettable turn as Salvador Dalí. Did you stand in line to see Little Ashes? Exactly” comment I am absolutely convinced that this woman is insane & obviously has no idea at all what she is talking about. Rob’s portrayal of Dali is nothing but absolutely brilliant. So brilliant in fact, that it & the movie was all that I could think about for days. That is hardly the result of a so called ‘forgettable’ performance now is it. I definitely would have stood in line for Little Ashes & not just once but many times, the only thing that stopped me was the fact that the distributor here in Australia never had the sense to release it. A huge mistake on their part in my opinion.

    Like Maria, I have been aware of Rob long before he took the role of Edward & he doesn’t have to do anything at all to convince me that he can act, I am already quite well aware of that & have been so since seeing him as Cedric. It really frustrates me that some of these people only see Rob as simply Eddie. We all know that he is so much more than Edward Cullen both as an actor & a person. I just do not understand why they cannot see just how truly talented he really is & definitely do not understand at all how some people still think he has no talent. How can some people be so blind. Like you said Maria, the question should be whether he wants to remain in Hollywood, not whether he has the talent to, because we all know he has that in bucket loads. Rob can have a very long & successful career if he chooses to don’t your worry about that ‘Answer Bitch’.

    Thank you so much for posting Maria, so so well said. Unlike these so called journalists you know exactly what you are talking about & you actually have facts & data to support what you are saying. You would have been an excellent journalist. Could definitely teach these people a damn thing or two.

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 23, 2009

    Lumping Rob’s fans into one category is offensive to Rob and his fans to say the least. It shows ignorance toward the younger ones like Alex who actually show support and then there is us, who don’t even get a mention. Moving along…

    [massive eye roll] – Did she not hear or read about the “Little Ashes movement”? Correct me if I’m wrong, I remember there was some pretty damn good coverage across the internet (including here) and the fans worked hard to get the movie to play in cinemas all over the world. I’d say that beats lining up! Thanks to the distributors lack of stones (as mentioned above), we didn’t all get the opportunity to see it on the big screen – that didn’t stop us from pre-ordering the dvd months and what felt like YEARS in advance. Again, isn’t that like lining up?

    and wth is this “forgettable” ???!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s obvious to me that someone’s been hitting the cheap wine again.

    oh and I totally agree, it won’t be Hollywood deciding Rob’s path, it will be Rob’s choice.

  • Sare
    Posted on August 23, 2009

    aarggh!!! This chicks ignorance has really annoyed me. Sounds like she is one of the people who is only on the twilight train. Dont want to waste space on c*#@ like that. lol

    Could anyone blame rob if he decides to leave acting??? i wouldnt.

  • Maria
    Posted on August 23, 2009

    Sare I wouldn’t blame him at all, but I’m hoping he just leaves LA/Hollywood. I really see a difference in Rob as soon as he lands in LA – the place seems to suck the lifeforce out of him & why wouldn’t it. Not sure if you’ve ever been, but I was there awhile back and if I never set foot there again I wouldn’t care. Sorry don’t mean to offend anyone – it’s my personal opinion.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 24, 2009

    Omg these articles just make me sooooooo mad!!! Not only are they an insult to Rob, his amazing talents and his family and the body of work he has done so far, they are also a massive insult to us his fans. This isn’t even acceptable to call this type of *&^@ journalism because what it really is about is pimping Rob’s name to get hits for its website and its advertisers based on his current popularity. Tacky and low.

    I am not 16 and whilst yes I did notice Cedric it was the role of Edward that really caught my eye and has now led me to the wonderful characters of Daniel, Toby, Art, Salvador and will continue into any other role Rob takes on. And yes I would have gladly stood in line at the cinema for all of these (more than once I am not ashamed to say!) but like Maria mentioned – lack of foresight by the distributors.

    Incorrect, poorly researched, arrogant, presumptious, offensive, money grabbing TRASH!

    Feel better (was good to get that out!) and now i need a drink! Cheers!

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 24, 2009

    No Sare, I wouldn’t blame him one bit either. As much as I’d hate it, I’d still support his decision if it makes Rob happy. That’s not to say I won’t whine uncontrolably for for quite some time.

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