August 21st, 2009 / 13 Comments

That it would be this easy to get Edward Cullen into your bedroom or shower.  We don’t normally do a lot of Twilight merchandise posts on Rob’s site, but these are too funny not to share.  So you thought that you had absolutely no chance of getting him in either room – well okay, you don’t really have any chance because he’s a fictional character, but hey – it’s about as close as we will get to Rob being in our shower or bedroom – LOL!  Thanks to Amanda Bell of Twilight Examiner.  If you would like to read Amanda’s article and see other merchandise, just click on the highlighted link.


“Be Safe” – I could say so much, but I won’t – lol.


  • Michelle
    Posted on August 21, 2009

    LOL!!!! Thanks for posting Maria. Just too too funny.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 22, 2009

    bwah hah hah this stuff makes me giggle!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing can be worse than the New Moon Burger King hats in the US…. poor Rob!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 22, 2009

    ok so funny had to come back for a closer look!

    Does that wall decal look a bit more like Rob in Cannes more than Edward Cullen? Or is it just me?

    Am I staring to hard and now hallucinating……

  • Maria
    Posted on August 22, 2009

    Lise-Lou – you have been staring at it for too long. It’s definitely Eddie – it’s the lifesize standup cutout – but you have to remember, it is actually Rob so Eddie does have his mannerisms – lol. Ok – it’s probably sad that I could answer that. Oh and in case you doubt, as Michelle reminded me, in the words of Eddie “You can google it” – lol.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on August 22, 2009

    LMAO Maria! No it is not sad you could answer it – of course that’s why i asked – tis sad that I was thinking it and then starting to think it didnt seem like such a bad idea after all!
    *gasps and looks around* did i really just say that out loud sssshhhhh!!

    PS I never doubt the gospel of M & M! If you ladies say it then it tis true! LOL!

  • Sare
    Posted on August 22, 2009

    This is hilarious but a bit freaky at the same time!

  • alex
    Posted on August 22, 2009

    omg thats epic! Haha i want the shower curtsin and the feature wall.

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 22, 2009

    Keeping my mouth shut cause I can’t stop LMAO! *holds belly*

  • Maria
    Posted on August 22, 2009

    What? You’re not rushing out to order that shower curtain online – LOL. Imagine trying to explain THAT to friends/family.

  • vertigo
    Posted on August 22, 2009

    LOL! I know!! At least the decal can be hidden at the back of the closet door. I just said that out loud didn’t I.

  • Sare
    Posted on August 22, 2009

    bahahahahaha @ vertigo. Yes you did!!!

  • Temajin
    Posted on August 22, 2009

    Shower curtain doesn’t do it for me but the wall feature is cool, I like how not everyone would know who it is…really only twilighters would know that it’s Edwards handwritting and what the significance of ‘Be Safe’ is… (but as mentioned – ‘Be Safe’ written in the bedroom probably isn’t the best thing written… have an awsome day guys, i’m off for a 10 klm walk.

  • lessie
    Posted on August 23, 2009

    Omg TOO FUNNY maria!
    LOL thats just rediculous imagine buying that! LOL

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