July 9th, 2009 / 25 Comments

Is a little more quiet today on the picture front but here we have a few more photos of Tyler looking lovely in his suit.   I really am so excited about this movie,  just cannot wait to see it.



Suit 3


  • Maria
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    I think Rob gave up – he heard the Us Weekly photos were out – and not even Rob in a suit can compete with that.

  • Angela
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Yum Yum.
    Do we know when its supposed to be released and will it be released in Oz. I assume Yes as Emily is Australian. I am also assuming that because Rob has reached God like status it will go to the movies.

  • Maria
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Hi Angela – Hoyts Distribution bought the rights to this film in Cannes way before Emilie was announced as the lead opposite Rob. It will be released in Australia, but as of last week, no definite date has been confirmed. I imagine it is being released because Summit is behind it, his other two films didn’t get released in Australia – I mean How To Be and Little Ashes because HTB couldn’t get distribution and although LA did, it’s R-rating and theme couldn’t allow the distributors to cash in on the Twi-fans. That’s my take on them and I won’t print their names because frequent visitors to the site know how I feel about them. We couldn’t even convince them to do a limited release – they decided to go straight to DVD in September, but I’m getting mine from the UK since it’s being released on 13 July.

  • vertigo
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Thanks for the pics Michelle. He really knows how to rock a suit (good or bad) and the shoes make for a lovely addition.

  • helen
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    yeah i have purchesed 3 dvd of robs from the uk
    1-the haunted air man
    2-how to be
    3-little ashes
    3it only cost like $55 (au) which is great cause there is a go in melb who will charge $49.95 for the haunted airman. look at amazon.co.au
    for more info and check oput google for a currency convertor it is great.

  • helen
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    sorry amazon.co.uk

  • alex
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Rob’s looking dashing as always!
    does anyone know what date RM will come out in australia?

  • Maria
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    LOl Alex – I posted last week that no definite release date yet for RM. Rest assured as soon as we know we will do a post. People need to stop and read what we write – not just oggle – lol.

  • alex
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    lol sorry, next time ill read all the previous posts.. its just so hard to tear my eyes away. haha jks. =)

  • Pippa
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Great pictures Maria. Loving these ones of Rob/Tyler in a suit. 🙂

  • Temajin
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Can I redeem myself and say that I’m completly speachless ATM he looks so good in a suit. I have felt like a complete goose all day about my Steve irwin comment and the smsll reaction it caused – what was I thinking? You must all think Ive lost it. Well maybe I had but these pics have breathed new life into me. Thank you for the post as always I’m sure I’ll never live it down. I have learnt my lesson – that Rob can never be compared to anyone – ever. Have a nice night everyone.

  • Fuser
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Thanks Michelle amd Maria for all this beautyful pictures 🙂

  • Maria
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    LOL Temajin – the SI threw me I have to admit, and yes Rob should never be compared – he is an enigma. Oh God I can hear the haters now complaining about my unrealistic view of Rob. I’m know he’s not perfect – noone is, but this site is dedicated to him and hence we shall view him only in a good light. You can consider yourself redeemed – lol.

  • vertigo
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    @ Temajin – it’s all good Hun. I only reacted to seeing the words SI not to you personally. Feel better soon.

    @ Maria – did you say “unrealistic view of Rob”? Heavens no. Go wash your mouth out with soap young lady. lol

    ahh, takes another looky at the suit pics above. sigh.

  • Maria
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    LOL – “unrealistic” not my words but the words of an irate visitor – you know the one who claimed I was an SFG. Clearly she had an unrealistic view of what a fansite was about.

  • Temajin
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Phew – wipes forehead with huge sigh of releif. I may be silly but I’m now looking forward to a non depressed Friday. I love my new friends-so forgiving:) and now on to Rob – umm – I have no words…. (but perhaps that’s not such a bad thing)

  • Maria
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    LOL Temajin – too funny. I shall do a redeeming post dedicated to you soon, but don’t get upset if he’s wearing the khaki shirt.

  • tlr
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    nice work girls you have done so well lately 🙂 lol.

    @maria might sound silly but what does SFG mean? Im so not good with short hand 😉

  • Temajin
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Bows head in grattidue…

  • Maria
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Oh sorry tlr – I was once chastised on the site by someone as acting like a Screaming Fan Girl – which if you meet me you will know i’m so not. So SFG has become my nickname. Although secretly she sometimes does emerge on days like today – hahaha.

  • Pippa
    Posted on July 09, 2009


    Sorry to change the subject here…

    I have just been reading the Daily Mail online in the UK and I came across an article “Where have all the real men gone?” The author of this piece was Olivia Licthenstein and our very own Rob was put in the category of ‘a pretty boy with floppy hair’. Excuse me…Rob not a real man….mmm?!! If you were to ask me who I would class in that category, it would be Zac Effron, sorry, but that’s me.

    See what you think Maria? Maybe I’m over reacting…? It’s not her fault she can’t see the phenomenon of Rob, but I feel somewhat insulted that he’s been put into that tabloid.

  • Maria
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Pippa – don’t take this the wrong way, but I will give you our standard response to this kind of media fodder. We – like Rob – don’t wish to comment on it.

  • tlr
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    @maria, thanks i got the fan girl part right then, just missed the screaming. lol.

    although i have been silently been screeming at some of michelle and your findings of recent. 😉 you are both doing a fab job. I cant believe how much stuff you have had lately. i only missed 2 days and had to go through 4 pages worth! nice catch up though 🙂

  • Pippa
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Thanks for that Maria – you are the voice of reason. I obviously wasn’t thinking straight. Most excellent reply to that media fodder – ‘no comment’. I can’t believe I took the bait…well it won’t happen again. I bow to your wisdom and am sensible again.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on July 09, 2009

    Aww Temajin don’t feel bad we all have our opinions that’s what makes us each of us unique!!

    LOL Loved what you wrote Maria…”Rob should never be compared – he is an enigma!!” And as for not being perfect that is precisely why I think he is so lovely and a massive part of his appeal – he has no filter and openly tells everyone what his imperfections are (even though i think he is too hard on himself!). Such a rare thing in someone in his position!

    Thanks for these Michelle the suit pics are gorgeous!

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