June 27th, 2009 / 19 Comments

Here we have even more new photos from Rob on the set of Remember Me & these three are just absolutely gorgeous.  Like I said the other day, the photos just seem to be getting more & more gorgeous as the days go on. Will not waste anymore of your time with my talking, will just let you get straight to the photos.

Thanks to our affiliate MrPattinson




  • alex
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    thankyou for these!

  • Maria
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    michelle thanks so much for these – they are fabulous. Finally got access to them – yay

  • Maria
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    God just had to have another look – speechless

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    Yay, so glad you got to see them Maria. I know, so so gorgeous. I had to come back & have another look too lol.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    oh my………
    He looks amazing in black!!! How broad do his shoulders look in these pics! *GASP* oh i am over the plaid shirts give me Rob in this black tshirt anytime!
    Thank YOU Michelle!

  • Athena
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    Amazing pictures, Michelle… thanks for posting them :D! There’s no limit to this man’s splendour… even with his “business smile” on…

    I can’t tell *how much* I like that black T-shirt on him… just pure perfection…

    Mmmh… am I mistaken or he is not wearing his usual Wayfarers, though?

    *broken record No. 1 is on*

  • Maria
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    Ah Athena – I was just going to comment to say that Rob’s got a new pair of sunnies – lol – he must have seen my previous post and wanted to tease!!!!

  • lise-lou
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    sorry for the double post could blame it on the effect these pics are having on me but am having pc troubles (again) %^&

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    LOL, we completely understand Lise-Lou. Such gorgeous gorgeous photos.

    Double post is all fixed 🙂

  • tlr
    Posted on June 28, 2009

    just doubled clicked ….. rob smiling, in black, a cap and button up jeans…… oh my…… dribble…… ummmm…. eyes above the belt…….. lol 🙂

  • lise-lou
    Posted on June 28, 2009

    Ta Michelle 🙂

  • Seren Dipity
    Posted on June 28, 2009

    Whaou ! how can a black T-shirt makes all the difference ! He is SO sexy in these pictures !!

    The more I am looking at him – and his broad shoulders, and his arms – the more I am wondering : Can he take it off and show us his abs again ?

    *sigh* such a RObawesomeness !

  • Kathryn
    Posted on June 28, 2009

    Whoa!! Or should that be PHWOAR!!!!!

    No articulate comment possible.

    What tlr said……

    (and I used to hate v-neck t-shirts so much…)

  • Sare
    Posted on June 28, 2009

    that shirt definately agrees with him!

  • Athena
    Posted on June 28, 2009

    @ Maria: Ah, good! I thought I was seeing things! 🙂

  • Annette
    Posted on June 28, 2009

    Love him, love him, love him in that black t-shirt and the button fly jeans mmmmm! I love the smile in #1 just too gorgeous. Yes, that hangover headache is feeling much better now.

  • vertigo
    Posted on June 28, 2009

    OMG these are amazing! I totally agree, he seems to be getting more gorgeous with each passing day.

    Doing a little catchup, thought I was going to go insane what with missing a whole day of Rob posts. *shivers*

  • tlr
    Posted on June 28, 2009

    had to come back for another look today and i still stay with my original comment….. still dribbling on my computer, but just noticed holes in jeans. ummm. i know im bad but eyes cant go past the button up jeans….. oh wait just slowly drifted up to face again and then back.

    you girls (maria and michelle) and rob will be the death of many of us you know that dont you???? 🙂 not complaining

  • Pippa
    Posted on June 29, 2009

    Very nice pics of Rob. It’s Monday and I’m in my happy place!!

    Thanks Michelle!

  • Leave a Reply

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