June 26th, 2009 / 9 Comments

It’s been a week or so since I did a late night post and it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this photo.  Actually it came to mind when I saw 3 photos tonight and it was tough deciding which one to use.  So you know what, in the end I coudn’t decide (and Michelle was no help), so I took her words of encouragement and decided to spoil you and post all three.  Sweet dreams everyone (that’s if you can get to sleep).  Thanks to rpattzdaily for the pics.

31897pcn_Pattinson 31897pcn_Pattinson


  • lise-lou
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    maria maria you know just what we need! a robattack just before we go to bed!!!! thanks michelle for encouraging her to give us a triple shot of rob!! will NOT be going to bed anytime soon………..*sigh*
    they are all gorgeous!!

  • Pippa
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    Oh……what gorgeous pics of Rob. Full size, upclose and personal. Thank you Maria!

    I’ll take these images with me tonight and they’ll get me through until I return to work on Monday. I’ll miss Friday’s ones but then again, I can catch up on Monday.

    Wonderful week with Rob. Rob, thank you for sharing!

    So last post from me – 15:23 pm here. Back on Monday – off for a days hols tomorrow – will miss you!

    Goodnight to you all!

  • Maria
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    Enjoy your break Pippa – there will hopefully be plenty for you to catch up on onMonday. I’m actually taking hols too, so beware tomorrow – I’ll be on full alert!

  • vertigo
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    Oh definately under the spell of the Rob charm. Between the neck pinch, tongue in cheek and fingers chin rest – I can see why you had such a hard time Maria. lol
    These are WOW… just wow.
    Thanks for the gorgeous late night post and enjoy your hols. 🙂
    See you on Monday Pippa, miss you already.

    Sweet dreams all!

  • Seren Dipity
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    I am also supposed to sleep but I have to work late. So THANK YOU so much for these great pictures that just keep me awake while working – humm looking at Rob …

    @Vertigo : I didn’t catch the tongue in cheeks before reading you :p So CUTE *sigh*

    Sweet dreams and great holidays for the lucky ones !

  • Kathryn
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    Sigh – very glad I didn’t see these before bed last night, as it means that I got them to start the day! Happy now!

    This page has become as much of a morning habit as a coffee before I attack the day’s work – but what a wonderful way to start the day!

    Thanks Maria – enjoy your hols.

  • Athena
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    Thanks Maria, love all the three, but “tongue-in-cheek” gets the cake for me :), plus… the eyes have it! 🙂

  • tlr
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    pinch, tongue, laugh, pinch, tongue, laugh, pinch, tongue, laugh…… oh maria what are you doing to us, to me!

    thank god i didnt see them last night after seeing how to be… but is not going to help me tonight.

    But thank you:) happy happy joy joy!

    going back to look again.

  • vertigo
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    Glad to be of service Seren Dipity. 🙂

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