June 26th, 2009 / 11 Comments

I have just came across these rehearsal photos, I really have no idea how I missed them before.  Must have gotten buried amongst the many Rob photos we have been so lucky to have seen over these past days.  Am so very glad that I have now found them.  They both have everything we love, Rob, Rob smiling, Rob’s gorgeous face & of course one of our new favourites, the baseball cap.  Cannot really choose a fave out of these two so am not even going to try & pick.  These are both ‘big clicky action’ but due to the large size & horizontal layout of the second photo, I could not fit that one on this page in the larger size. No matter though, as you know all it takes is a click of your mouse to see them both in their full size loveliness.  Both these definitely need to be seen in their full size too, is essential.

Cap 3



  • Seren Dipity
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    Ok, forget about the panda bear, I want to be a baseball cap ! The RISO syndrome has attacked me again…

    You ladies are incredible : I finally decided to close your blog window on my computer, and I manage to not look at it for like 2 hours. And when I came back, just a last glance before enjoying an evening with Hubby, WHAT DO I SEE ? 3 new post with lots of pictures !!

    You make it impossible to have a real life ! I spent my time daydreaming about panda, blue eyes, baseball cap etc…

    (don’t stop!!!! please don’t!! Real life is totally overrated anyway!)

  • Maria
    Posted on June 26, 2009

    Okay so everyone wants to the either the panda or the baseball cap. I’m not selfish – you can all do that. Me personally I think I want to be on the other end of the arm that’s holding that umbrella. Yep that’s the job for me “Rob’s personal umbrella holder” especially whenever it’s raining – which seems to be a lot lately and just imagine when he’s off to Forks for Eclipse – hell I might have to put in for overtime.

    Oh and thanks for posting Michelle – I was wondering what my next career change would be. You have now solved it.

  • Seren Dipity
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    Maria, for your new job, either you need to shave, either you need to become a man. It is really up to you 😛

  • Maria
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    Lol whatever it takes. Seren Dipity – whatever it takes.

  • Seren Dipity
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    LOL !! You are so devoted to Rob ! I am proud of you :p

  • vertigo
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    So if Maria is the umbrella holder and you all take the panda and baseball cap, would this put the wardrobe dept back in my capable hands?

    That first pic looks like Rob’s impersonation of Jack Nickelson’s “here’s Johnny” or “Tyler” in this case.

  • lise-lou
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    well of course the panda is my first choice but frankly i will be rob’s ANYTHING! Whatever it takes i will be there and do it! that second pic is incredible Michelle! Thanks girls has been a GREAT week!!!!!!!

  • Seren Dipity
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    @ lise-lou : LOL we can be Rob’s anything together ! :):)

  • Athena
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    “Rob’s impersonation of Jack Nickelson’s “here’s Johnny” ”

    You’re right, Vertigo!!! I thought it reminded me of something, but I couldn’t put my finger on it!!! 😀

    Thanks for these, Michelle! 😀

  • lise-lou
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    @ Seren Dipity ok you’re on lets go! NOW!

  • tlr
    Posted on June 27, 2009

    ok so if the panda, wardrobe , umbrella, baseball cap and the anything else is gone, im going for the coffee or coke. Rob always has one of those in his hands, so thats now me ladies, sorry job filled! It was a full time position but some one has to do it 🙂 sigh!

    oh and robs will have his hands all over me most days and his mouth!!!!! what a job 😉

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