June 23rd, 2009 / 10 Comments

It’s been very quiet for the last day or so and I thought I better rectify something since I don’t like to mislead any of you when it comes to Rob.   A few of my posts over the weekend referred to Rob in his khakis, well I’m happy to stand corrected because they are not khakis they are boardies or as the Americans like to call them “swim trunks” – lol.  I should have realised that he was at the beach hence the swimmers, but in my defence if you’ve grown up in Australia and are used to seeing boardies they are not usually this subdued (sorry but they’re not).  So thanks to RPattzNews and Coolspotters for the info, plus I needed an excuse to post this pic.



  • Michelle
    Posted on June 23, 2009

    Thanks so much for posting this gorgeous picture Maria. Is just what I needed to see this morning.

    LOL @ the ‘swim trunks’ & gotta agree about the boardies in Australia. I thought they were khakis too lol.

  • Kathryn
    Posted on June 23, 2009

    I thought they were just shorts too. But I’m sure you don’t mind being corrected if it means you get to post the photo again, hey Maria?

    Very nice start to a cold, foggy day in Canberra. Have a great day!

  • Annette
    Posted on June 23, 2009

    Thanks for the photo. BTW did anyone else see The Insider on Foxtel on Sunday night. They had some interviews and footage from New Moon. Apparently where in the book Bella hears Edward’s voice in the movie they will actually be visions so we get to see more of Rob. It was a very unexpected and pleasant surprise to see Rob’s face suddenly flash up on my TV. Too bad my hubby was in the room at the time LOL!

  • Maria
    Posted on June 23, 2009

    Oh Annette – you are a newbie to the site! You should go and have a look at some of our earlier New Moon posts where we have photos of Rob on the set in the scenes where he is going to be an apparition rather than a voice. Unfortunately I try to avoid those shows – they usually tend to focus on the gossip rather than Rob’s career, but I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  • Athena
    Posted on June 23, 2009

    Maria, if this is the result of your “mistakes”, I hope you make more in the future!!! 😉

    Lovely picture, lovely hands, lovely legs…

    I think we call that type of shorts “Bermuda” in Italy… but you would have to re-post more pictures of Rob standing up, for me to be sure… *wink wink*

  • vertigo
    Posted on June 23, 2009

    Ya’ll can ask me to call them whatever you like but I’m just thrilled for some more leg action – Thanks! 🙂

    p.s. actually, I draw the line at “swim trunks”. lol

  • Maria
    Posted on June 23, 2009

    Vertigo – I agree – swim trunks – what is that?

  • Yas
    Posted on June 23, 2009

    Thanks for the great picture… you have a great site… and I’m glad to see I’m not the only mother who is Robsessed and likes a daily fix of anything Rob 🙂

  • lise-lou (robsomniac)
    Posted on June 23, 2009

    thanks Maria i love your pursuit of excellence and accuracy on all things rob! Seeing they were boardie pity we didnt get to see him take a dip! now THAT would have been pretty!

  • tlr
    Posted on June 23, 2009

    yeah, they are not really boardies as we call them in aus. they are usually brighter.

    swim trunks thats just funny…

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