June 19th, 2009 / 12 Comments

We have appreciated the smoking pics (and who could forget that) and the smiling pics, so it’s about time we appreciate the Wayfarer pics.  If Rob was around in the 80’s, noone would have even noticed or remembered Don Johnson (oh showing my age – for those who have no idea what I’m talking about he’s from the original Miama Vice – and if you’re still not sure – in the words of Eddie “you can google it”).  Rob really knows how to wear his sunnies – Ray-Ban you really should be giving him a contract – and Rob you really have great taste – I still have my original Wayfarers and Clubmasters – lol.









  • lise-lou (robsomniac)
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    awwww these are gorgeous!! Thanks Maria!!!!! And yes i am of the era to get the DJ reference! Number 5 with the water is my fave – such a novelty to see him caffeine free – no coke or coffee!! He looks like he is miles away!

  • Michelle
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    The smoking pic, how amazing was that one. Have to admit I have looked at that post too many times to count today. The benefits of a day off, can look at Rob anytime I want, is great lol.

    Thank you so much for these ones Maria. They are just beyond beautiful. Especially love the last one, such a gorgeous expression on Rob’s face. He certainly knows how to wear those sunnies. Don Johnson would not have stood a chance if Rob had been around that is for sure (love the Eddie google reference lol)

    Imagine Ray-Ban’s increase in sales if they signed Rob up, would go through the roof. They would definitely get my business lol.

  • Pippa
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    Maria, more beautiful pics of Rob! You rock my world!

    These are gorgeous! I love the sunnies look he has, he’s in disguise mode here ie. If you can’t see my eyes, then you can’t really tell what I’m thinking…..? He has good taste to, Ray-Bans are a good quality product and ‘yes’ they should give a contract!

  • tlr
    Posted on June 19, 2009

    great work maria!

  • Athena
    Posted on June 20, 2009

    I remember Don Johnson and Miami Vice very well, and Michelle is right: he wouldn’t have had a snowball’s chance in hell, if Rob had been around at that time (and wouldn’t I have been happy if he had… I would have been the right age! *sigh*)… and those are also the same kind of Ray Ban sunnies that John Taylor from Duran Duran used to wear… and here I *do* show my age! 😉

    I like Ray Ban, too, I owned a pair, too, different model than Rob’s, and… I lost them! *hangs head in shame*

    “you can google it”

    One of the best lines-not-in-the-book in the film! 😀 I think I’m going to watch Twilight again tonight… yes, at this time of night, headphones on! 😉

  • Maria
    Posted on June 20, 2009

    LOL Athena – John Taylor. I can say I saw Duran Duran live – oops did I say that out loud (um my mother took me – LOL!) Jack Nicholson also wears the Wayfarers – hmmm coincidence?

  • Heidi
    Posted on June 20, 2009

    Thanx Maria, number 3 does it for me!
    Have just watched Twilight again for the (so many times i’ve stopped counting) time, and i am now ready for bed. Can’t wait for tomorrow to see what you come up with. Night!

  • Temajin
    Posted on June 20, 2009

    Maria – I loved John taylor!! (I show my age now too) These pics are great and it goes without saying, we all can’t wait for this movie..Good to see he’s not being swamped, hope it stays that way (it probably won’t 🙁 Have a great day today everyone and thanks again Maria

  • Athena
    Posted on June 20, 2009

    @ Maria: me too! Both in 1986 and 1988! It was awesome! I went with my friends! I was 15 the first time (so you younger girls do the math 😉 )… eh, great memories…

    Jack Nicholson coincidence: methinks not! Heeheehee!
    The things fans will do… *shakes her head while sporting her Edward-style peacoat* 😉 😉 😉

    @ Heidi: turns out I couldn’t watch Twilight last night ’cause I don’t have the right headphones. “Bummed” does not even begin to cover my disappointment :(. Will get them with the next pay!

    Also, Heidi, I wrote a haiku for you in the “I Don’t Sleep … No, Not At All” thread ;).

  • Heidi
    Posted on June 20, 2009

    Hi Athena, yes thankyou for the beautiful haiku. Pity about you not having the right headphones but why did you need them? Is it so hubby doesn’t hear??? Hopefully you will pick some up today eh. I can’t go more than a few days without watching it again and i almost know every scene verbatim by now lol!

  • Athena
    Posted on June 20, 2009

    I’m glad you liked it, Heidi ;)!

    No hubby , here (yes, I’m free and available, did you hear that, Rob???), but it was really late and I couldn’t possibly watch it aloud… also, it would give me the chance to hear Rob’s voice straight in my ears! 😉

    By the way, I’ve just finished watching it again :D!

  • vertigo
    Posted on June 20, 2009

    Raybans never looked so good! 🙂
    Don who? Just kidding, ofcourse I was around.

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